青岛一木品牌怎么样 申请店铺

青岛一木是哪个国家的品牌?「青岛一木」是 青岛一木集团有限责任公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于山东省青岛市,由创始人王志强在1953期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


改制后的青岛一木集团有限公司,公司总部位于青岛市四方区瑞昌路168号,生产基地位于胶州一木工业园。企业总占地面积600余亩,厂区建筑面积为18万平方米。旗下拥有金菱家具公司、青城木业公司、营销公司、家居公司、布艺沙发公司、实木门公司、一木居舍装饰公司等十余个全资和参股子公司。拥有熟练技工3000余人,各类技术人员300余人,综合生产能力达5亿元,年出口额一千多万美元,资产总额近10亿元。营销网络遍及全国 30个省市、自治区、直辖市。近年来公司逐步实施转型升级,不断发展电子商务和环保生产,助推企业向高层次发展,目前成为集研发、生产中高端实木家具、传统红木家具、办公家具、实木门、沙发床垫、出口木器产品、居室装饰等多种业务为一体的综合性木业公司。在全国家具行业中,率先通过了ISO9000国际质量认证和ISO14000环境体系认证。

企业实施退城进园的战略决策,生产基地迁往胶州一木工业园。拥有市级技术开发中心和具有老中青结合的优秀设计人才。近年来,企业不断加大新产品开发力度,形成了以自主研发的“嘉美居”、“汉源居”、 “高瓴”、“爱琴海”、“青韵”、“墨雅”、“博远”、“爵士”、“国祺”、“E&K”、“鼎尊•乌金”“醇彩•loft”以及传统红木“国韵”等十二大系列实木家具为主导产品、以生产沙发、床垫和木制装饰用品为配套的多个专业化生产主体、产学研一体化模式,使企业的生产规模、营销网络和品牌运作有了大幅度的提升。在开发国际市场、发展出口家具方面,积极引进国际先进技术,产品不断销往世界各地。


Qingdao Yimu Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1953, formerly known as Qingdao No.1 woodwork factory. Yimu's products decorate families of several generations and become a traditional brand that consumers can trust. After the reform, Qingdao Yimu Group Co., Ltd. is headquartered in No. 168, Ruichang Road, Sifang District, Qingdao, with its production base in Jiaozhou Yimu Industrial Park. The total area of the enterprise is more than 600 mu, and the construction area of the plant area is 180000 square meters. It has more than ten wholly-owned and participating subsidiaries, including Jinling furniture company, Qingcheng wood industry company, marketing company, home furnishing company, fabric sofa company, solid wood door company, Yimu house decoration company, etc. There are more than 3000 skilled technicians, more than 300 technicians of all kinds, with a comprehensive production capacity of 500 million yuan, an annual export volume of more than 10 million US dollars, and a total assets of nearly 1 billion yuan. The marketing network covers 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. In recent years, the company has gradually implemented transformation and upgrading, continuously developed e-commerce and environmental protection production, and promoted the development of the enterprise to a high level. At present, it has become a comprehensive wood company integrating research and development, production of high-end solid wood furniture, traditional mahogany furniture, office furniture, solid wood doors, sofa mattresses, export of wood products, room decoration and other businesses. In the national furniture industry, the first to pass the ISO9000 international quality certification and ISO14000 environmental system certification. The enterprise implements the strategic decision of moving from the city to the park, and the production base moves to Jiaozhou Yimu Industrial Park. It has municipal technology development center and excellent design talents with the combination of old, middle and young people. In recent years, the company has continuously increased the development of new products, forming "jiameiju", "hanyuanju", "Gaoling", "Aegean", "Qingyun", "Moya", "farsighted", "Jazz", "Guoqi" and "E & amp" independently researched and developed; K "," dingzun Wujin "," alcolor loft "and traditional mahogany" Guoyun "are twelve series of solid wood furniture as the leading products, multiple specialized production subjects and integrated mode of production, learning and research supporting the production of sofas, mattresses and wooden decorative articles, which greatly improves the production scale, marketing network and brand operation of the enterprise. In terms of developing international market and exporting furniture, we have actively introduced international advanced technology, and our products have been sold all over the world. "Inheriting millennial Confucian culture and building a brand of one hundred years", Qingdao Yimu takes rejuvenating Chinese traditional furniture as its mission, is determined to innovate and forge ahead, and strives to realize the corporate vision of "building a century old base industry and creating a brand that has been handed down from generation to generation". It strives to become a leading enterprise in China's furniture industry and make greater contribution to the development of China's traditional furniture industry.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/f6b97f739.html 联系电话:400-006-1953


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根据法国巴黎银行Markets 360预测,美债在第四季度的表现可能优于欧洲债券。预计发达国家固定收益资产的收益率将会下降,但美国的下降幅度会比欧洲的更大。而日债是一个例外,日本央行一直在加息,而其他主要央行则在降息或即将开始降息。鉴于对美联储降息后美国10年期国债收益率下跌空间有限的看法,该团队认为,在美联储行动之后,日本10年期国债的收益率可能会升高。(新浪财经)

