江联重工品牌怎么样 申请店铺

我要投票 江联重工在锅炉行业中的票数:194 更新时间:2025-03-07
江联重工是哪个国家的品牌?「江联重工」是 江联重工集团股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于江西,由创始人丁杰在 2001期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。



江联重工集团股份有限公司的前身为1958年建厂的江西锅炉厂和江西化工石油机械厂。1992年,两厂台并联合组建江西锅炉化工石油机械联合有限责任公司。2001年, 公司完成股份制改造,成立江西江联能源环保股份有限公司。2010年, 公司完成国有企业改制,成为一家民营股份制企业。2016年, 经国家工商总局核准,公司更名为江联重工集团股份有限公司。

江联重工是同时具有设计制造安装A级锅炉和A1. A2. A3三类压力容器以及具有进出口企业资质的能源装备制造企业。公司持有A级锅炉和A1、A2. A3压力容器设计、制造许可证以及船用钢质焊接压力容器工厂认可证书、ASME证书(S. U U2、PP钢印)以及建筑安装施工企业资质、锅炉和压力容器等特种设备安装改造维修资质,并获得ISO9001: 2000质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系、GB/T28001 职业健康安全管理体系认证证书。

公司主导产品有35t/h-670t/h燃油、燃气锅炉,35t/h-670t/h高低差速循环流化床锅炉、 生物质锅炉、 造纸废渣与污泥锅炉、日处理200-1000吨城市生活垃圾焚烧锅炉、干熄焦烧结余热锅炉等;120m3-10000m3球形储罐、 LNG低温罐、不锈钢设备、高压厚壁容器、高压疲劳设备、反应容器、塔器、换热器、大型船罐以及各类复合板、堆焊容器产品等。产品广泛应用于冶金、石化、化工、造纸、医药、建材、新能源等领域。

2004年,公司产品成功出口泰国,从此敲响了国际的大门。在国家实施”走出去”战略的大环境下,从2004年至今十余年,公司产品在全球各个角落绽放出工业之花,更在2013年 与埃塞俄比亚国家糖业公司签约6.47亿美元甘蔗制糖总包项目。

随着海外市场诸多项目的成功运行,江联重工的品牌效应不断释放,得到了众多合作伙伴的高度认可,这种认可和关注,为公司开发新领域新市场带来了机遇。如今,江联重工已形成面向全球的营销网络,产品远销海内外。在国内各省市自治区.在亚太、非洲、拉美、中东欧, 在每一个需要装备技术支持的地方,江联总是伴随其左右。公司专注于节能降耗、环保和资源综合利用领域,在锅炉、石化能源装备行业的版图中,不断留下属于江联重工的深刻印记。

The predecessor of Jianglian Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. is Jiangxi boiler plant and Jiangxi chemical and petroleum machinery plant, which were established in 1958. In 1992, the two plants jointly established Jiangxi Boiler Chemical Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. In 2001, the company completed the joint-stock transformation and established Jiangxi Jianglian energy and environmental protection Co., Ltd. In 2010, the company completed the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and became a private joint-stock enterprise. In 2016, with the approval of the State Administration for Industry and commerce, the company was renamed as Jianglian Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. Jianglian Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. is an energy equipment manufacturer with the qualification of design, manufacture and installation of class a boilers, class a1.a2.a3 pressure vessels and import and export enterprises. The company holds A-class boiler and A1, a2.a3 pressure vessel design and manufacturing license, factory approval certificate of marine steel welded pressure vessel, ASME Certificate (s.uu2, PP steel seal), construction and installation enterprise qualification, boiler and pressure vessel and other special equipment installation, renovation and maintenance qualification, and obtains ISO9001:2000 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, GB / T28001 occupational health Certificate of health and safety management system. The main products of the company are 35t / h-670t / h oil fired and gas fired boilers, 35t / h-670t / h high-low differential circulating fluidized bed boilers, biomass boilers, paper waste residue and sludge boilers, 200-1000t / D municipal solid waste incineration boilers, CDQ sintering waste heat boilers, etc.; 120m3-10000m3 spherical tanks, LNG cryogenic tanks, stainless steel equipment, high-pressure thick wall containers, high-pressure fatigue equipment, reaction Container, tower, heat exchanger, large ship tank and various composite plates, surfacing container products, etc. Products are widely used in metallurgy, petrochemical, chemical, paper, medicine, building materials, new energy and other fields. In 2004, the company's products were successfully exported to Thailand, which has since opened the door to the world. In the context of the national implementation of the "going global" strategy, the company's products have been blooming in all corners of the world for more than ten years since 2004. In 2013, the company signed a total contract project of 647 million US dollars for sugar cane production with Ethiopia national sugar company. With the successful operation of many projects in the overseas market, the brand effect of Jianglian heavy industry has been released continuously, which has been highly recognized by many partners. This recognition and attention has brought opportunities for the company to develop new markets in new fields. Now, Jianglian heavy industry has formed a global marketing network, and its products are sold at home and abroad. In the provinces, autonomous regions, Asia Pacific, Africa, Latin America, central and Eastern Europe, wherever equipment and technical support are needed, Jianglian always accompanies it. The company focuses on the fields of energy conservation and consumption reduction, environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of resources. In the layout of the boiler and petrochemical energy equipment industry, it has constantly left a deep impression belonging to Jianglian heavy industry.

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