1962年,Raymond Benner,一位崭露头角的交响乐团音乐家与一位想出售耳塞生意的老年药剂师交叉。费用为2,000美元,据说这项业务每年可赚取1,400美元。本纳的妻子塞西莉亚,喜欢挑战这样一个协议达成购买该公司,麦基翁Products,Inc.的他们的产品,马克的®耳塞(以前所有者命名)由可模塑的粘土混合物制成。本纳对耳塞很满意,但相信它们可以得到改善。他想让耳塞更舒适,以提高耐磨性。此外,作为狂热的游泳运动员,他认为更粘,更具延展性的物质可以更好地密封水,从而防止水堵耳朵的烦恼。他知道防水耳塞也有助于防止被称为“游泳者的耳朵”的痛苦的外耳感染。
Raymond Benner是一位有成就的古典交响乐团音乐家,他在克利夫兰和底特律交响乐团之间度过了30多年后退休。这开始作为一个的Benners利益方的业务,发展成为零售耳保健行业,其原有的和#1畅销麦克的领导®枕头软®模塑型硅耳塞(美国零售市场)。
McKeon Products现在提供全系列的可模塑和预模制硅胶和泡沫耳塞,适用于各种用途。该麦克的®的产品线还包括一个睡眠面膜,耳干燥助剂,和耳垢清除滴。该公司仍然是家族拥有和经营。Raymond Benner的儿子Devin Benner和Pete Benner继续他们父亲在McKeon的脚步,通过亲自动手的方式进行产品研发。
In 1962, Raymond Penner, a budding Orchestra musician, crossed with an elderly pharmacist who wanted to sell earplugs. The cost is $2000 and the business is said to earn $1400 a year. Benner's wife, Cecilia, likes to challenge such an agreement to buy their products from the company, McKeon products, Inc. Mark's ® earplugs (formerly named by the owner) are made of a moldable clay mixture. Benner is happy with the earplugs, but believes they can be improved. He wants to make the earplugs more comfortable to improve wear resistance. In addition, as an avid swimmer, he believes that more viscous and malleable substances can better seal the water, thus preventing the trouble of water blocking the ears. He knows that waterproof earplugs also help prevent painful external ear infections known as "swimmer's ears.". Through a large number of experiments and errors, as well as different production technologies, he found a very unique material, which became the world's first moldable silicone earplug. Benner is keen to use his new invention to help improve the lives of many people. With the new earplugs (which look and feel like little white pillows), Benner changed his name to Mike's unique appearance to come with the soft pillow earplugs. His efforts to grow led Raymond and Cecilia from one city to another. With the development of Benner's then small family business, it moved from its home basement to eight expanding facilities. Raymond Penner is an accomplished classical symphony orchestra musician who retired after more than 30 years between the Cleveland and Detroit orchestras. This started as a beners stakeholder business and developed into a retail ear care industry, with its original and 1 best-selling Mike's leader, pillow soft, molded silicon earplugs (US retail market). McKeonProducts now offers a full range of mouldable and pre molded silicone and foam earplugs for various uses. The Mike's product line also includes a sleeping mask, ear drying AIDS, and earwax scavenging drops. The company remains family owned and operated. Raymond Penner's sons, Devin Benner and Pete Penner, continued their father's footsteps in McKeon, developing products by hand. McKeon has been an ISO quality certification company since 1997 and operates only in Michigan plants. McKeon continues to grow by providing innovative products of high quality in the market, which are now sold worldwide.