




马国森(Al Mar),1938年8月9日出生与美国西雅图,越战时服役于美国绿扁帽部队且立下许多战功,在服役期间便开始改刀子。他曾说过“虽然全身而退、毫发无伤且获得勋章,可惜没有得到因负伤而可获得的勋章。”战后在Gerber公司设计刀子,退伍之后进入大学深造,获得学士学位,继而又在洛杉矶艺术中心获得工艺设计硕士学位。1971年,他进入 Gerber (戈博) 刀厂担任包装设计师,后来又成为该厂的刀具设计师。1976年,马国森因设计 Gerber Mark I 而声名大噪,这款刀是 Mark II 短剑的缩小靴刀版本,后者在1966-1973年越战期间是美军的头号军用刀具。


1979年马国森离开 Gerber,在俄勒冈创办自己的公司,即今天的 Al Mar 刀具公司,缩写是 AMK。他自身的军旅经验和武术背景(柔道和剑道)对设计起到非常大的帮助,使 Al Mar 的产品立刻受到三军人士青睐。 在他成立刀厂到他离世(1992)的13年间,AMK在刀坛中占有一个相当特殊的地位,其符合人体工学的设计,高度的实用性及锐利、高品质的刀刃制作获得全世界的用刀者高度的评价。虽然马国森刀子是用来实用的,但却有许多人将它列为收藏级的刀具。此外,绿扁帽、FBI、CIA、USMC、Service、Border Patrol及沙特阿拉伯等都曾委托AL Mar设计刀子并使用。


马国森的设计注重刀具的品质,同时,每把刀上都刻有中文的“马国森”商标,平添几分优雅之美。AMK 的产品在日本Seki生产,由Sakai、Fujita、Hattori 等制造厂生产,以保障马国森刀具高标准的品质。

Al Mar was born in Seattle on August 9, 1938. During the Vietnam War, he served in the green hat unit of the United States and made many achievements. During his service, he began to change his knife. He once said that "although he retired all over, was unharmed and won the medal, it is a pity that he did not get the medal that can be obtained due to injury." After the war, he designed knives in Gerber company. After he retired from the army, he went to university for further study and got a bachelor's degree. Then he got a master's degree in process design from Los Angeles Art Center. In 1971, he joined Gerber (gobo) knife factory as a packaging designer, and later became the cutter designer of the factory. In 1976, Ma Guosen became famous for his design of Gerber Marki, a reduced booted version of the MARKII dagger, which was the number one US military tool during the Vietnam War in 1966-1973. Ma Guosen's passion for art and knife making makes his knives unique and unique. Ma Guosen's cutting tools always give people this feeling. They are resolute, brave but not belligerent in the gentle, just like the Confucianists in the knife, with a rare grace. In 1979, Ma Guosen left Gerber and founded his own company in Oregon, today's almar tool company, abbreviated as AMK. His own military experience and martial arts background (judo and kendo) played a very important role in the design, which made almar's products immediately favored by the armed forces. During the 13 years from his establishment of the knife factory to his death (1992), AMK has a very special position in the knife world. Its ergonomic design, high practicability and sharp, high-quality blade production have been highly praised by knife users all over the world. Although MacPherson's knife is used for practical purposes, many people have classified it as a collector's knife. In addition, almar has been entrusted by the green hat, FBI, CIA, USMC, service, border patrol and Saudi Arabia to design and use knives. Ma Guosen once visited the ancient city of making knives, and finally found his dream teacher father in Gifu, Japan. The hundreds of years of traditional knife making techniques in Gifu, Japan, were once again carried forward in the design of makuosen, and makuosen's dream came true. Due to his own military experience, which has greatly helped the design of knives, his practical experience, coupled with his enthusiasm and Cultivation for art and knife making, and his special style of works, naturally immediately received a warm response from knife lovers all over the world. So that Ma Guosen's products are immediately welcomed by the United States armed forces. Its ergonomic design, high practicability, sharp and high-quality blade production have also been highly praised by professionals in the industry. During the 13 years from the establishment of the knife factory to his death, Ma Guosen has always occupied a special position in the world of knives. Ma Guosen's design pays attention to the quality of cutting tools. At the same time, each knife is engraved with the Chinese "Ma Guosen" trademark, adding a bit of elegant beauty. AMK's products are produced in Seki, Japan, and manufactured by Sakai, Fujita, Hattori and other manufacturers to ensure the high standard quality of maguosen tools.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/057130ce6.html





