1905 Bitumenwerke公司在Datteln正式成立。该工厂生产的专利产品是用于地窖防水的沥青乳剂,这逐步成为国际成功品牌的基础:赛力特。
1907 迁往Unna,公司名称改为Wunnersche Bitumenwerke公司。
1908 赛力特的发明-无沥青添加剂的密封剂,用于生产防水水泥砂浆。
1910 布鲁塞尔世界博览会 – 全球品牌突破
1911 在芝加哥、伦敦、维也纳、巴黎和华沙等地设立子公司。
1946 海内外业务重组
1961 年公司更名为Ceresit-Werke公司-产品范围扩大, 增加了涂料和砂浆。
1980 更名为Ceresit公司 – 品牌形象推广,例如密集广告。
1986 新的所有者Henkel KGaA设定了深入发展的战略规划。
1990 成立Henkel Bautechnik公司,拥有赛力特和妥善品牌,代表了汉高 KGaA公司的建筑化学品。
1992 销售线路分离,专业人士用的品牌,以及DIY品牌Ceresit Haus+Bau。
1993 在德国推出了一项创新技术,自粘型防水卷材,可以在任何天气条件下施工。(BT 21 Dichtbahn“Allwetter”)
1997 赛力特成为建筑化学品领域内重要的品牌之一,通过持续的创新以及不断的面向专业建筑商和瓷砖铺帖工匠,已经建立了强大的品牌形象。
2001 推出CM 18 EasyFlex产品,这是德国具有革命性的新一代瓷砖粘合剂。
2002 Ceresit CM 18 EasyFlex 赢得了BUDMA金质奖章。这年3月创建了俄罗斯汉高Bautechnik公司。
2003 在Kolomna,位于莫斯科东南方向100公里处,建立了一家新的赛力特工厂。
2004 推出了新的赛力特包装形象。第二家乌克兰工厂在Balaklea开始运营。
2005 赛力特100周年庆。
公司的历史开始于一个爱好科学的28岁商人 – 弗里兹•汉高。1876年9月26日,他和两个合伙人在亚琛成立了一家名为Henkel & Cie的公司,开始销售他的产品 – 基于硅酸盐的通用洗涤剂。此后的130多年间,这个德国的企业家家族和数以千计的员工把汉高建设成为业务遍布全球的跨国公司。
Started in 1905, under the German Henkel group, the star products of adhesives for construction engineering, the main products of ceramic tile pasting system / waterproof system and external wall insulation system, large-scale construction engineering is complex and requires specific products. The solutions offered by Henkel are based on stable quality and experience. Celtic's product lines include: tiling system, waterproofing system, and exterior wall insulation system. With the continuous growth of the construction market, Celtic has been recognized as a brand in the industry. Henkel's goal is to become a reliable partner for professionals. Henkel focuses on innovation, quality, technical experience and sustainable development. 1905 bitumenwerke company was founded in Datteln. The patented product produced by the factory is asphalt emulsion for cellar waterproofing, which has gradually become the foundation of international successful brand: Celtic. 1907 moved to Unna and the company name was changed to wunerschebitumenwerke company. 1908 Celtic's invention - sealant without asphalt additive, used to produce waterproof cement mortar. 1910 Brussels World Expo – global brand breakthrough 1911 has set up subsidiaries in Chicago, London, Vienna, Paris and Warsaw. 1946 business restructuring at home and abroad in 1961, the company changed its name to ceresit Werke company - the product range expanded, adding coating and mortar. Renamed ceresit in 1980 – brand image promotion, such as intensive advertising. 1986 henkelkgaa, the new owner, set a strategic plan for further development. In 1990, Henkel bautechnik company was established, which owns the selit and proper brand, and represents the construction chemicals of Henkel KGaA company. 1992 sales line separation, professional brand, and DIY brand ceresithaus + Bau. In 1993, an innovative technology was introduced in Germany, self-adhesive waterproof roll, which can be used in any weather conditions. (bt21dichtbahn "allwetter") 1997 sailit has become one of the important brands in the field of building chemicals. Through continuous innovation and continuous facing professional builders and tile applicators, it has established a strong brand image. In 2001, cm18easyflex product was launched, which is a revolutionary new generation of tile adhesive in Germany. 2002 ceresitcm18easyflex won the budma gold medal. In March of that year, the company was founded. In 2003, in kolomna, 100 km southeast of Moscow, a new agent factory was established. In 2004, a new packaging image of celet was launched. The second Ukrainian plant is operating in balaklea. The 100th anniversary of Celtic 2005. Henkel provides strong brands and technologies in three strategic business areas: home care, personal care and adhesive technology. Henkel is headquartered in Dusseldorf, Germany. Henkel has about 48000 employees worldwide. Among all the companies headquartered in Germany, Henkel is one of the international multinational groups in the global market. The company's history began with Fritz Henkel, a 28 year old science loving businessman. On September 26, 1876, he and two partners set up a company called Henkel & CIE in Aachen, and began to sell his product, silicate based universal detergent. Over the next 130 years, the German entrepreneur family and thousands of employees built Henkel into a global multinational company.
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