1973年,雷. 安德森先生预见到模块地毯所拥有的巨大市场潜质,创建了英特飞公司。从小作坊发展到一家全球化管理的大企业,在英特飞,对未来的憧憬及梦想是一路陪伴公司成长亘古不变的游戏规则,不会昙花一现。英特飞对设计的诠释,是一种贯穿于公司经营各层面的理性思维和产品设计之感性审美之间的和谐互动。通过我们对设计与众不同的认知来帮助我们的客户营造理想的室内空间,进而实现他们对设计的构想。
Inteflix is the world's largest modular carpet designer and manufacturer, renowned for its creativity and courage to break through. In 1973, Mr. ray Anderson foresaw the huge market potential of modular carpet and founded inteflix. Growing up from a small workshop to a large global management enterprise, in inteflix, the vision and dream for the future is a game rule that will accompany the company's growth all the way, and will not be a flash in the pan. Inteflix's interpretation of design is a harmonious interaction between rational thinking and perceptual aesthetics of product design running through all levels of the company's operation. Through our unique understanding of design to help our customers create an ideal interior space, and then realize their design ideas. Innovation is the core of inteflix. We believe that innovative thinking on products and processes can help us realize our vision of becoming a sustainable enterprise and a recoverable enterprise by 2020. We have promised that every creative, manufacturing and architectural decision will go further towards the goal of zero environmental footprint.