北京丽都医疗美容医院是2009年斥巨资打造的旗舰医院,同时也是集团中实力最雄厚的医院,北京丽都医疗美容医院坐落于北京市朝阳区亚运村黄金地段,毗邻北京奥运会主场馆鸟巢和水立方,总建筑面积8000余平方米,作为中国率先建立医、教、研一体化的医疗美容医院,北京丽都医疗美容医院汇聚全球整形临床实践的丰富经验,创新融合欧美、亚洲整形技术的精髓,率先创建手术室内的多能细胞实验室,这将是中国医美抗衰领域的新突破;建立了全球国际医疗美容名医馆,汇聚上百位名来自中、美、韩、台湾等地区首屈一指强大的医学美容团队。短短5年,“上榜央视黄金时段、通过七星级迪拜酒店式服务、 全球27个国家和地区美容医学主席仅有集体参访的中国样本医院、举办中国时尚界名媛舞会”,引领中国和亚洲医学美容行业朝着更加成熟、更加规范、更加国际化的方向迈进。
Beijing Lidu medical and beauty hospital is a flagship hospital built with huge investment in 2009. It is also the most powerful hospital in the group. Located in the prime area of the Asian Games Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing, it is adjacent to the bird's nest and water cube of the main stadium of the Beijing Olympic Games, with a total construction area of more than 8000 square meters. As China's first hospital to establish the medical beauty of integration of medicine, education and research Rong hospital and Beijing Lidu medical and beauty hospital gather the rich experience of global plastic clinical practice, innovate and integrate the essence of plastic technology in Europe, America and Asia, and take the lead in creating a multi-functional cell laboratory in the operating room, which will be a new breakthrough in the field of medical beauty anti-aging in China; It has established a global famous medical and beauty salon, bringing together hundreds of top medical and beauty teams from China, the United States, South Korea, Taiwan and other regions. In just five years, "the Chinese sample hospitals, which are listed in the prime time of CCTV, through seven-star Dubai Hotel style service, and only visited by the chairman of cosmetology medicine in 27 countries and regions around the world, hold the celebrity ball of Chinese fashion industry", leading the medical cosmetology industry in China and Asia towards a more mature, standardized and international direction.
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/0938613e5.html