60年代大米和杂粮曾经是仅有的主食,但是即使是这样,主食依然不够吃,生活很紧凑。为了克服粮食危机,通过三养食品的努力,于1963年诞生了名为“三养方便面”的韩国较早的方便面, 从此方便面便占据了第二主食的位置。
自然三养(株)稳定供应葱、大蒜、芝麻、辣椒、海产品等各种用作方便面面汤原料的农水产品,Eco Green Campus(株)从位于江原道大关岭一带海拔850m~1,400m的广阔牧场提供新鲜的牛肉和牛奶。为保障消费者可以放心食用,构建了严格的品质管理体系。
Founded in 1961, Sanyang food Co., Ltd. of South Korea focuses on the production of instant noodles such as Sanyang Ramen / super spicy chicken meat noodles / kimchi ramen. Founded in 1961, Sanyang food is an enterprise pursuing "honesty and credit". It has developed for more than 50 years. Its entrepreneurial spirit includes the idea that the founders use food to open the centenary era of human beings, which is the basis for Sanyang food to become an enterprise with national trust. Sanyang food will make unremitting efforts to make the people enjoy a more delicious life through enthusiasm and challenges to develop innovation and growth momentum. In the 1960s, rice and grains were the only staple food, but even so, the staple food was still not enough and life was very compact. In order to overcome the food crisis, through the efforts of Sanyang food, the early instant noodles in South Korea named "Sanyang instant noodles" were born in 1963. Since then, instant noodles have occupied the second main food position. In the early 1970s, the staple food became more and more self-sufficient, and the national economy also maintained rapid growth. After liberation from hunger, Sanyang food took the lead in improving diet. After the development of 6 million mountain areas in the daguanling plateau, the grassland will be built, and the mountain animal industry will be revitalized. It has been focusing on the stability of diet, and has made great contributions to the improvement of national health. Sanyang food uses high-quality natural materials to realize the product's high-level and special taste and nutrition, and provides products with Korean style and traditional taste. Sanyang food and food related branches shall be carried out together. Natural three cultivation (plant) can stably supply various agricultural and aquatic products such as onion, garlic, sesame, pepper, seafood, etc. which are used as raw materials of instant noodle soup. Ecogreencampus (plant) can provide fresh beef and milk from the vast pasture of 850m ~ 1400m above sea level in daguanling area of JiangYuanDao. In order to ensure that consumers can eat safely, a strict quality management system has been established.