网站创始人Michael Kenny于上世纪90年代初从美国移居泰国,并在普吉岛建立公司,开始了网站的发展。
Booking Holdings Inc.(NASDAQ:BKNG)成立于1997年,前称普利斯林公司The Priceline Group Inc.(再之前称为 LLC,于2014年4月改为The Priceline Group Inc.),于2018年2月改为现用名。
Agoda is an online hotel booking website, focusing on China, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and Australia. Michael Kenny, the founder of the website, moved to Thailand from the United States in the early 1990s and set up a company in Phuket, starting the development of the website. In the Asia Pacific region, Agoda, with its excellent online hotel booking service, is built to offer lower discount prices in the world. As a part of international well-known online reservation companies, Agoda's global online reservation system has more than 170000 hotel resources in the world, and more than 9000 in the Asia Pacific region. The combination of excellent technology and human-oriented service is the unique feature of Agoda. The online hotel booking website supports 37 languages. Over the past 10 years, we have served more than one million visitors and shared thousands of hotel experiences and reviews with them. Preferential price. The staff negotiate directly with the hotel in person to guarantee the preferential prices, and then use the technology to directly provide the Hotels with these preferential prices to the company's customers. In addition, Agoda's hundreds of business people all over the world, combined with the regional characteristics of various regions, provide online hotel selection and booking prices for business and leisure tourists with excellent professional knowledge. Professional service personnel. The company employs multilingual customer service personnel on duty 24 hours a year, which can effectively assist customers with any problems they encounter. Affordable feedback projects. Members of the Agoda feedback program can save more every time they book a room. Agoda officially launched the feedback program in 2004, and passengers can automatically get feedback points when they book. Feedback points can be redeemed in thousands of hotels on the website, so that tourists can enjoy preferential prices in specific brand loyalty projects and during the peak tourist season. In April 2015, Agoda changed its Chinese brand from accordant to Andromeda. Bookingholdings Inc. (NASDAQ: bkng) was founded in 1997, formerly known as Priceline Group Inc. (formerly known as Priceline. Com LLC, changed to the Priceline Group Inc. in April 2014), and changed to the current name in February 2018.