法国珠宝品牌尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 创建于1780年,伴随着拿破仑的荣耀揭开了尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 珠宝伟大的开端。尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 珠宝旗舰店位于巴黎旺多姆广场(Place Vendome) 。今日的尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 在LVMH集团的领导下,跨越国界,成为了国际珠宝+钟表品牌。其中尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 珠宝系列有:Anneau、Tango、Les Liens de Chaumet、Fidélité、Plume等;尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 推出的Khésis、Style de Chaumet、Class One、Mihewi 等腕表系列都成为腕表界不朽的精品。尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 继续推展业务并保持不断前进的势头:各种昂贵钟表陆续问世,各类珠宝遍布全世界。
人们戴着尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 的珠宝参加红毯盛会和盛大的舞会,尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 珠宝随着音乐的节拍和身体的动作而闪烁着晃动着。戴着尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 珠宝首饰的女性让人们竞相回头,而她们却依然神情自若。尚美巴黎 (Chaumet) 两百多年来一直,而且今后也将会让人产生一种感觉——那就是心跳加速。
Founded in Paris in 1780, LVMH group's French national treasure jewelry and watch brand is famous for its distinctive Paris style and exquisite craftsmanship. The French royal boutique jewelry and luxury watch brand, CHAUMET, was founded in 1780. With Napoleon's glory, it opened the great beginning of CHAUMET jewelry. CHAUMET's flagship jewelry store is located in Place Vendome, Paris. Today, under the leadership of LVMH group, CHAUMET has become an international jewelry + watch brand. Among them, the jewelry series of CHAUMET include: anneau, tango, les Liense de CHAUMET, FID é lit é, plume, etc.; the wrist watch series of KH é sis, stylede CHAUMET, classone, mihewi, etc. launched by CHAUMET have become immortal boutiques in the world of wristwatches. CHAUMET continues to expand its business and keep moving forward: various expensive clocks and watches are coming out, and various kinds of jewelry are all over the world. People wear the jewels of CHAUMET to the red carpet event and the grand ball. The jewels of CHAUMET flicker and shake with the rhythm of music and the movement of body. Women in CHAUMET jewelry are making people want to look back, but they're still looking at themselves. CHAUMET has been for more than 200 years, and will continue to feel, that the heart rate is accelerating.