VingCard Elsafe可提供多种电子锁闭系统解决方案,包括传统磁条和智能卡系统、集成式PMS接口软件解决方案及全球服务和支持。Elsafe是提供获得UL认证(1037)、用于小键盘和卡基机型的宾馆安全系列产品的公司。保险箱包含内部电源插座,支持笔记本和摄录一体机的二次充电,并获得了UL认证。
自1994年成立以来,亚萨合莱(ASSA ABLOY)已由一家区域性公司发展成为一家拥有约43,000名员工、销售额约为470亿克朗、业务遍及70多个国家的跨国集团公司。
集团的优势在于其拥有各种传统和新兴产品,通过结合这些产品,可创建大量不同的门环境。亚萨合莱(ASSA ABLOY)拥有适合于不同气候、不同建筑类型及不同安防和安全需求的产品。通过结合数以十万的组件来满足消费者、建筑商和安装公司的需求,集团可生产品质优良、设计精美且价格实惠的产品,这些产品是新建和翻新工程的理想选择。
亚萨合莱(ASSA ABLOY)业务遍及全球成熟和新兴市场,在欧洲、北美、亚洲、澳大利亚和新西兰的大部分市场占据着领导地位。
亚萨合莱(ASSA ABLOY)由三个区域分部和两个全球分部组成。区域分部,即美国、EMEA(欧洲、中东和非洲)和亚太地区分部,可根据当地市场的标准和安防要求生产和销售机械和机电一体化锁、数码门锁、锁芯和防盗门。全球分部,即全球科技(Global Technologies)和入口系统(Entrance Systems),主要在全球市场生产和销售电子访问控制、识别产品及自动门。
Under Assa Abloy, vingcardelsafe, the world's leading provider of hotel locking system / indoor safe and energy-saving management system, can provide a variety of electronic locking system solutions, including traditional magnetic stripe and smart card systems, integrated PMS interface software solutions and global services and support. Elsafe is a company that provides UL Listed (1037) hotel safety series products for keypad and card base models. The safe contains the internal power socket, which supports the secondary charging of notebook and video recorder, and has been UL certified. Since its establishment in 1994, assaabloy has grown from a regional company to a multinational group company with about 43000 employees, sales volume of about 47 billion kroner and business in more than 70 countries. The advantage of the group is that it has a variety of traditional and emerging products, which can be combined to create a large number of different door environments. Assaabloy has products suitable for different climate, different building types and different security and safety needs. By combining hundreds of thousands of components to meet the needs of consumers, builders and installation companies, the group can produce high-quality, well-designed and affordable products, which are ideal for new construction and renovation projects. Assaabloy operates in mature and emerging markets around the world, with leading positions in most markets in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Assaabloy consists of three regional divisions and two global divisions. The regional divisions, i.e. the U.S., EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and Asia Pacific, can produce and sell mechanical and electromechanical locks, digital locks, lock cylinders and security doors according to the standards and security requirements of the local market. The global division, namely global technologies and entrance systems, mainly produces and sells electronic access control, identification products and automatic doors in the global market.