红帽是世界领先的企业级开源 IT 解决方案提供商。通过可预测且价格合理的订阅模式,我们的客户能获得各种稳定可靠、性能优异的技术,包括云服务、Linux、管理软件、中间件、移动服务、存储和虚拟化。而且,我们还能为客户提供屡获殊荣的技术支持、培训和咨询服务。
红帽起初就见证了定制化 Linux 发行版的成功,随后很快推出了一款名为“红帽 Linux”的产品。凭借着卓越的可靠性和快速的发展,红帽在很多人看来已是 Linux 的同义词。红帽在创立初期,就已经在 Linux 基础上构建了几乎所有级别的 IT 堆栈,并支持跨混合云的 Linux。
红帽是上游 Kubernetes 项目的第二大贡献机构,也是 Kubernetes 许多关键特性、组件和相关容器技术的创始机构。红帽在云端运行 Kubernetes 方面拥有多年经验,并为广大企业在生产环境中应用容器的计划提供支持。目前,红帽正在与云原生社区合作,扩大容器和 Kubernetes 的功能边界,从无服务器计算迈向机器学习。
Red hat is the world's leading enterprise open source it solution provider. With a predictable and affordable subscription model, our customers can acquire a variety of stable and reliable technologies with excellent performance, including cloud services, Linux, management software, middleware, mobile services, storage and virtualization. In addition, we can provide our customers with award-winning technical support, training and consulting services. Red hat first witnessed the success of customized Linux distribution, and then soon launched a product called "Red Hat Linux". With its excellent reliability and rapid development, red hat has become synonymous with Linux in many people's eyes. Red hat has built almost all levels of it stack based on Linux since its inception, and supports Linux across hybrid cloud. Red hat is the second largest contributor to the upstream kubernetes project and the founder of many key features, components and related container technologies of kubernetes. Red hat has many years of experience in running kubernetes in the cloud, and provides support for enterprises' plans to apply containers in the production environment. At present, red hat is working with cloud native communities to expand the functional boundaries of containers and kubernetes, and move from serverless computing to machine learning. With careful investment, support and decades of participation in the open source community, we have the ability to contribute to practical technologies, improve and strengthen them, and prepare for their implementation. Red hat's participation comes with a commitment to keep technology open so that everyone can create, promote and maintain better open source software while protecting patents from infringement.