1966年,Kiddy在德国诞生,凭借精湛的技术和过硬的产品,迅速受到汽车行业的关注,并成为欧洲各大汽车厂商的合作伙伴。1976年随着Kiddy创始人Mr.CurtWuerstl第三个孩子的诞生,更加深刻的体会到安全对于家庭幸福的重要意义。于是Kiddy开始全心专注儿童安全座椅的研发。同年儿童安全座椅Ur Kiddy诞生了。目前Kiddy产品销往全球50多个国家,得到全球父母的信赖。
2007年,Kiddy继承人Jan Stefan Wuerstl了解到中国每年有18500多名儿童死于车祸,于是2008年Kiddy毅然决然的在中国成立分公司,将出色的产品带到中国,为中国孩子的安全出行保驾护航。
Kiddy Chiti, kiddy child products trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., started in 1966, a German manufacturer of child car safety seats, a modern enterprise specializing in the research, development, production and sales of safety seats, was born in Germany in 1966. With superb technology and excellent products, kiddy quickly attracted the attention of the automobile industry and became a partner of major European automobile manufacturers 。 In 1976, with the birth of the third child of Mr. curt wuerstl, founder of kiddy, we realized the importance of safety for family happiness. So kiddy began to focus on the research and development of child safety seats. In the same year, the child safety seat urkiddy was born. At present, kiddy products are sold to more than 50 countries around the world and are trusted by parents around the world. In 2007, Jane Stefan wuerstl, the successor of kiddy, learned that more than 18500 children died in car accidents every year in China. So in 2008, kiddy resolutely set up a branch company in China to bring excellent products to China to protect the safe travel of Chinese children.