自1862年开始,早期猛犸象MAMMUT以手工制造绳索事业,到今天主要的工厂位于瑞士Seon生产大本营,正以高度技术性成长、多元化发展登山和户外运动产品为主,步向更高远的里程碑。1999年MAMMUT 生产冬季运动系列的工厂和 Ajungilak 挪威睡袋制造商合并,使得今后 MAMMUT 在迈向高品质的运动配备上,向前迈出了一大步;2002年更与瑞士TOKO合作,在滑雪配件上冲刺。
Started in 1862 in Switzerland, it is a well-known garment brand, under the mammoth sporting goods group. It started with the rope manufacturing business by hand. Mammoth sporting goods group, the world's Alpine sports, mountaineering and outdoor sports equipment manufacturer, is the world's Alpine sports, mountaineering and outdoor sports equipment manufacturer. Its products follow the world trend with quality and innovative design. The Mammut brand stands for high security, and its product line covers almost all outdoor fields, including underwear, middle layer, submachine suit, high boots (with ice claw), sleeping bag, backpack, climbing rope, fast hanging, safety belt, headlight and anti avalanche equipment. Since 1862, the early mammoth Mammut has made ropes by hand. Today, the main factory is located in the production base of Seon, Switzerland. It is taking the high-tech growth and diversified development of mountaineering and outdoor sports products as the main step towards a higher milestone. In 1999, Mamut's winter sports factory was merged with ajungilak's Norwegian sleeping bag manufacturer, which made Mamut take a big step forward in moving towards high-quality sports equipment in the future; in 2002, it cooperated with toko in Switzerland to sprint on ski accessories. The function of expeditionary mountaineering or skiing equipment is very important for mountaineering. For mountaineering activities with larger amount of exercise and those with higher difficulty, the more durable, multi-functional and light equipped principles are needed for the material selection of equipment used by athletes. In addition to mountaineering or indoor climbing, even for climbing activities, each garment of Mammut must be equipped in a light, comfortable and fashionable direction. With the elaborate design of modern diversified equipment, it not only conforms to the technical mountaineering, but also more suitable for diversified leisure functions, realizing the combination of high-tech and manual.