安费诺集团(Amphenol Corporation)成立于1932年,总部位于美国康涅狄格州。1984年进驻中国,Amphenol是世界上最大的互连产品制造商之一。该公司设计,制造和销售电气/电子和光纤连接器,同轴和扁平电缆以及互连系统。
公司产品的主要终端市场是通信和信息处理市场,包括有线电视,移动电话和数据通信以及信息处理系统; 航空航天和军事电子; 以及汽车,铁路和其他运输和工业应用。
Amphenol Corporation was founded in 1932, with its headquarters in Connecticut. After entering China in 1984, Amphenol is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnection products in the world. The company designs, manufactures and markets electrical / electronic and optical connectors, coaxial and flat cables, and interconnection systems. The main end market of the company's products is the communication and information processing market, including cable television, mobile phone and data communication and information processing system; aerospace and military electronics; as well as automobile, railway and other transportation and industrial applications.