隶属于日本佳丽宝 (Kanebo) 化妆品株式会社旗下的药妆护肤品牌芙丽芳丝 (Freeplus),带着“近零刺激成分的美肌新概念”登陆中国。作为中国大陆在药店专售的全日本进口护肤品牌,芙丽芳丝 (Freeplus) 严格选用对肌肤不产生负担的高品质原料,不含苯甲酸类防腐剂、不含香料、不含色素、不含酒精、不含紫外线吸收剂、不含矿物油,真正做到“近零刺激”,温和有效地帮助肌肤达到理想境界。
芙丽芳丝 (Freeplus) 系列产品含有6种天然汉方植物萃取肌肤保湿精华 (大枣、陈皮、桃仁、金银花、山栀子、薏苡仁),及具有改善皮肤角质层功能的烟酸B,再辅以保湿功效的蓄水丝氨酸120,提升肌肤防护能力的同时锁住肌肤水分,实现现代女性对化妆品“安全”与“健康”特性的要求。
Under Kanebo Cosmetics Co., Ltd., a non irritating cosmetics and skin care brand for sensitive skin belongs to freeplus, a cosmetics and skin care brand under Kanebo Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and has landed in China with "new concept of skin beauty with nearly zero irritating ingredients". As an all Japan imported skin care brand sold exclusively in pharmacies in mainland China, freeplus strictly selects high-quality raw materials that do not burden the skin, and does not contain benzoic acid preservatives, spices, pigments, alcohol, UV absorbers and mineral oil, so as to truly achieve "near zero stimulation" and mildly and effectively help the skin reach the ideal state. Freeplus (Freeplus) products contain 6 kinds of natural Han plants to extract skin moisturizing essence (jujube, tangerine peel, peach kernel, honeysuckle, gardenia jasmine, coix seed), and nicotinic acid B, which has the function of improving the cuticle function of skin, and then moisturize the serine 120. Requirements for "health" characteristics.