"Baode wind" takes huatianbao as its material. It is the original intention of the wind of a gentleman. It also means that good things are treasure. Honesty is the encouragement of virtue. The company name "Baode wind" is written by Mr. Xu linlu, a master of art who loves Baode wind classical furniture and a disciple of Qi Baishi. Mr. Song Yushun, the founder of the company, is the son of his father. His father, song Shouyi, studied woodworking at the age of 16. After his education, he was employed by state-owned woodworking factories such as Tianjin and Baoding, and was rated as grade 8 woodworking. In his whole life, Mr. Song was honest and upright. He once smashed a piece of red sandalwood furniture because of his apprentice's laziness and convenience in craftsmanship, which made his apprentice never dare to cheat in craftsmanship again. His father's honest and trustworthy attitude towards life and the spirit of keeping improving and being meticulous in craftsmanship have deeply influenced song Yushun. It is precisely holding the concept of "being a man first, then learning art". Baode style has become bigger and stronger step by step. It has been 30 years since "Yushun woodwork processing factory" in the late 1980s to "Langfang Baode style classical furniture Co., Ltd." in 2002. The palace furniture produced by baodefeng has exquisite materials, exquisite production and stable style. It exudes humanistic temperament in low-key implication and is popular with customers. Today, baodefeng has not only made its name in Dacheng County, but also established its brand nationwide. "Baode style" has become the guarantee of quality, quality and service. "What the company produces is not only furniture, but also cultural relics in a century." This is the self-confidence of "baodefeng" people.
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/1b198a372.html