罗杰·维维亚出生于1907年,他设计的鞋子美如艺术品,被誉为鞋履界的法贝热。1924年,他开始在巴黎美术学院学习雕塑课程,两年后放弃雕塑转学制鞋,并开始当学徒。 流连于各种剧院和音乐厅,维维亚会为剧院设计装修。在后台与约瑟芬·贝克(Joséphine Baker)和密斯丹盖(Mistinguett)相遇,于是开始为她们设计定制鞋履。
在鞋履设计收获成功后,他于1937年在巴黎皇家大道开设自己的门店。 鞋跟就是他发挥异禀天赋的乐园,从1954年作为世界细高跟鞋之父,蜿蜒曲折的逗号跟(Virgule)在其1963年成立个人品牌时被认为是里程碑式的作品。这位对女性优雅热情四溢的匠人才华横溢,携手法式刺绣工坊,将普通的鞋子推到艺术品的高度。
Roger vivia was born in 1907. His shoes are as beautiful as works of art. He is known as Faberge in the field of shoes. In 1924, he began to study sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris. Living in various theatres and concert halls, vivia will design and decorate the theatre. After meeting Jos é phine Baker and mistinguett backstage, I began to design customized shoes for them. After the success of shoe design, he opened his own store on the Royal Boulevard in Paris in 1937. Since 1954, as the father of the world's stiletto shoes, the zigzag virgule was regarded as a landmark work when he founded his personal brand in 1963. The talented craftsman, who is full of elegance and enthusiasm for women, works hand in hand with French embroidery workshops to push ordinary shoes to the height of works of art.