1954年 “中华”牙膏投产,从此掀开中国牙膏工业的崭新篇章。
70年代到80年代 “中华”迎来自诞生以来第一黄金时代,在质量上有了长足发展,同时推出新品,将中华推向强有力的市场地位。
1994年 上海联合利华牙膏有限公司成立。民族品牌与国际知名企业优势互补,中华品牌得到长足发展。
1995年 中华投入巨资在国内首推“中华流动口腔护理车”,在各省市开展面向全国的学校口腔健康教育活动,成为中华大地上最为壮观的口腔卫生护理车队。
1997年 中华与卫生部疾病控制司合作在全国12个省(自治区)开展以口腔健康教育为主要内容的“中华口腔健康促进计划”。
1998年 中华推出了含钙中华牙膏、中华氟钙牙膏,使更多的中国人拥有了国际级的口腔护理产品,真正意义上改善了最多人的口腔健康。中华牙膏被推荐为上海名牌产品,市场占有率飞升至21%,奠定了其中国第一品牌的坚实基础。
1999年 再次被推荐为上海名牌产品。中华中草药牙膏全面上市,满足消费者“预防上火,健康牙龈”的特殊需求,成为当时市场上唯一具有清热去火功能的中草药牙膏。
2000年 中华专业口腔护理中心隆重成立。中华与世界卫生组织、卫生部合作在中国推广马可波罗计划,旨在“向贫困地区提供可承担的起的含氟牙膏”。同年7月26日,“中华健齿神州行”活动正式启动,是国内迄今为止首次大规模口腔健康教育巡回活动。
2001年 “新世纪、新中华”口腔健康促进活动在北京正式启动,并于翌年在成都、重庆、西安、兰州和乌鲁木齐等西部城市展开。同年8月12日,联合利华中华专业口腔护理中心召开新闻发布会,宣布中华牙膏系列产品全部换上新包装,中华新形象全面上市。
2002年 权威机构中华中医药学会认证中华中草药牙膏具有“预防上火,健康牙龈”的功效,中华牙膏成为其境内唯一认证的牙膏产品。
2003年 5月,“中华长效防蛀牙膏”全新上市。12月,“中华中草药牙膏”全新上市。
2004年 中华将再次刷新主要产品线,产品配方及包装全面升级。让广大消费者重识我们的老朋友——新中华!2004年9月,中华牙膏50周年庆典在北京钓鱼台国宾馆隆重举行。
2005年 美白类产品健齿白隆重上市,并一路创造美白类牙膏销售/市场份额奇迹.成为中华的英雄单品。
2009年 再次被评为最上海品牌之一
2011年 中华全线产品新装上市,推出了全新的品牌形象,给消费者以年轻,自信的品牌理念,让品牌由陈旧形象转化为年轻、现代的品牌。
2012年 7月推出健齿白新品---深海晶盐和白兰茶语两个口味。9月上市一款魔力迅白新品---金纯魔力迅白
2013年 邀请全新代言人--姚晨。3月推出中华高端产品线中华卓效倍护系列。6月推出全新美白产品中华瓷感白
Founded in 1954, the Chinese toothpaste brand has a history of 57 years. Its products have the support of Unilever global R & D center, leading technology, commitment to excellent quality, and are the only toothpaste brand recognized by FDI (International Dental Union). Zhonghua has 5 series and 10 varieties of toothpastes, including whitening, fresh breath, total effect, Chinese herbal medicine and mothproofing, covering a comprehensive demand for toothpaste efficacy, forming a relatively complete product line. Brand concept 1) brand slogan: my smile, bright future. 2) Brand theme: China brings you a healthy and beautiful smile, making your future brighter. 3) Brand interpretation: I believe that a beautiful and healthy smile will have a positive impact on me, at the same time, it will also affect and drive people around me to work and live in a positive way and bring me a bright future. Target consumers of the brand 1) women aged 25-35 and their families 2) ideal, confident, independent, optimistic, and focus on appearance 3) pay attention to other people's views, and also pay attention to the maintenance of family relations. Brand Chronicle "Zhonghua" toothpaste was put into production in 1954, which opened a new chapter in China's toothpaste industry. From the 1970s to the 1980s, "China" ushered in the first golden age since its birth, and made great progress in quality. Meanwhile, it launched new products to push China to a strong market position. In 1994, Shanghai Unilever toothpaste Co., Ltd. was established. National brand and international well-known enterprises complement each other's advantages, and Chinese brand has made great progress. In 1995, China invested heavily in the first "China Mobile oral care vehicle" in China, and carried out school oral health education activities for the whole country in various provinces and cities, becoming the most spectacular oral health care team in China. In 1997, China and the Department of disease control of the Ministry of health cooperated to carry out the "China oral health promotion plan" with oral health education as the main content in 12 provinces (autonomous regions). In 1998, Zhonghua launched Zhonghua toothpaste containing calcium and Zhonghua calcium fluoride toothpaste, which made more Chinese have international oral care products, and really improved the oral health of the most people. Zhonghua toothpaste was recommended as a famous brand product in Shanghai, and its market share soared to 21%, laying a solid foundation for its first brand in China. In 1999, it was again recommended as a famous brand product in Shanghai. The Chinese herbal toothpaste was fully launched on the market to meet the special needs of consumers for "prevention of burning, healthy gums", and became the only Chinese herbal toothpaste with the function of clearing heat and eliminating fire in the market at that time. In 2000, China professional oral care center was established. China cooperates with the World Health Organization and the Ministry of health to promote the Marco Polo plan in China, aiming to "provide affordable fluoride toothpaste to poor areas". On July 26 of the same year, the activity of "China's tooth building Shenzhou Tour" was officially launched, which is the first large-scale oral health education tour in China. In 2001, "new century, new China" oral health promotion activities were officially launched in Beijing, and the following year in Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi'an, Lanzhou, Urumqi and other western cities. On August 12 of the same year, Unilever China professional oral care center held a press conference to announce that all the products of China toothpaste series were put into new packaging and the new image of China was fully launched. In 2002, the authoritative organization China Society of traditional Chinese medicine certified that Chinese herbal toothpaste has the effect of "preventing inflamed, healthy gums". China toothpaste has become the only certified toothpaste product in China. In May 2003, the "China long term mothproof toothpaste" was newly launched. In December, "Chinese herbal toothpaste" was newly launched. In 2004, Zhonghua will renew its main product line and upgrade its product formula and packaging. Let the masses of consumers recognize our old friend - New China! In September 2004, the 50th anniversary celebration of China toothpaste was held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. In 2005, the whitening products were launched again, creating a miracle of sales / market share of whitening toothpastes along the way, and becoming a hero single product in China. In 2009, it was once again rated as one of the most famous brands in Shanghai. In 2011, new products of the whole line of China were put on the market, and a brand-new image was launched, which gave consumers a young and confident brand concept and transformed the brand from an old image to a young and modern brand. In July 2012, the company launched a new product, deep sea crystal salt and brandy tea. In September, a new magic fast white product, Jinchun magic fast white, was launched. In 2013, Yao Chen, a new spokesperson, was invited. In March, the company launched the high-end product line Zhonghua Zhuoyue Beihu series. In June, we launched a new whitening product, Chinese porcelain whitening
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/2262f5564.html