中国联通拥有覆盖全国、通达世界的现代通信网络,积极推进固定网络和移动网络的宽带化,积极推进“宽带中国”战略在企业层面的落地实施,为广大用户提供高品质信息通信服务。2009年1月,中国联通获得了当今世界上技术成熟、应用广泛、产业链完善的WCDMA制式的3G牌照。2013年12月4日,中国联通获得了工业和信息化部颁发的LTE/第四代数字蜂窝移动通信业务(TD-LTE)经营许可,2015年2月27日,工业和信息化部向中国联通发放了LTE FDD经营许可。至此,中国联通成为拥有TD-LTE和LTE FDD两种4G牌照的“双4G”运营商,开始进入4G发展新阶段。
China United Network Communication Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Unicom") was incorporated on January 6, 2009 on the basis of the former China Netcom and the former China Unicom. It has branches in 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) and many foreign countries and regions. It is a telecom operation enterprise listed in New York, Hong Kong and Shanghai at the same time. China Unicom is mainly engaged in fixed communication business, mobile communication business, domestic and international communication facilities service business, satellite international special line business, data communication business, network access business, various telecom value-added business, system integration business related to communication information business, etc. China Unicom launched a new full-service brand "Wo" on April 28, 2009, which carries Unicom's consistent and innovative service concept and provides support for individual customers, family customers and group customers. China Unicom has a modern communication network covering the whole country and reaching the world, actively promotes the broadband of fixed network and mobile network, actively promotes the implementation of "broadband China" strategy at the enterprise level, and provides users with high-quality information and communication services. In January 2009, China Unicom obtained the 3G license of WCDMA system with mature technology, wide application and perfect industrial chain in the world. On December 4, 2013, China Unicom obtained the LTE / fourth generation digital cellular mobile communication business (TD-LTE) business license issued by the Ministry of industry and information technology. On February 27, 2015, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued the ltefdd business license to China Unicom. So far, China Unicom has become a "dual 4G" operator with TD-LTE and ltefdd 4G licenses, and has entered a new stage of 4G development.