我们公司每年都会对产品研发创新,特别是以巫山烤鱼、麻辣香锅、馅饼、鸡公煲、石锅鱼、农夫烤鸡、北京茶油鸭、香酥板栗饼、麻辣烫、土豆粉、云南过桥米线、包子、早餐、烧烤、火锅、干锅、油炸、面食、冷饮为中心,使口味不断更新升级。 多年来,北京品味轩始终以正宗的配料配方、专业的技术培训老师精心教学,在项目设置上立足于培训市场,并逐步提升自己的专业高度,为创业者提供了一个很好的创业平台。2008年8月被授予劳动就业重点扶持单位,2009年6月被授予特色美食小吃培训基地,2011年10月正式加入小吃行业协会会员,2013年6月被评为2011-2013年学员信得过。这标志着北京品味轩已经得到了社会的认可,学员的认同。
北京品味轩餐饮培训研发中心是集餐饮调料研究开发、食品研究与技术开发、餐饮项目连锁加盟、餐饮咨询与策划服务为 一体的综合性餐饮发展中心,以倡导"传统与时尚,美味与健康"的饮食新文化为己任,秉承"诚信、创新、专业、务实"的经营理念,专心致力于饮食文化的传播 与推广。
我们凭借强大的技术研发和品牌运营实力,结合自身丰富的餐饮实战经验,为广大致力于餐饮创业的中小投资,全心致力于小本创业的餐饮项目,为想小本创业 的人士打造一个全新的平台,给更多的失业人员、打工族、想创业人士提供一个施展抱负的机会,能使每位创业者通过加盟美食坊实现梦想是我们大的心愿。
我们始终视质量为生命,以诚信立足社会,靠品质和服务创立品牌,以超前的经营理念和不骄不躁、踏实稳健的作风,本着互利互惠,诚信双赢的原则和各地有 识之士共同努力,把美食坊做好、做大、做强。北京美食坊国际餐饮加盟培训技术研发中心掌握大量餐饮运营管理经验及技术资源,将为创业者提供成熟的特色餐饮 运营服务,所有学员均可来现场考察、免费品尝产品,合适后再决定学习,我们的技术老师将手把手地教,让每个学员亲自操作,亲自配料,直到所有合作者都能独 立开店为止。
北京品味轩餐饮加盟培训技术研发中心是集餐饮调料研究开发、食品研究与技术开发、餐饮项目连锁加盟、餐饮咨询与策划服务为一体的综合性餐饮发展中 心,以倡导“传统与时尚,美味与健康”的饮食新文化为己任,秉承“诚信、创新、专业、务实”的经营理念,专心致力于饮食文化的传播与推广。
Founded in 2008, Beijing shishizixuan (Beijing shizixuan catering training Co., Ltd.) has trained more than 8000 successful students, with new and old students all over the country. We have many professional teachers such as Mr. Niu, Mr. Wang, Mr. Hao and Mr. Zhang, who are famous in the catering industry. They teach one-on-one with practice as the main teaching method and attach importance to the training requirements of students, so that every student can graduate with satisfaction. Our company develops and innovates products every year, especially focusing on Wushan roast fish, spicy pot, pie, chicken pot, stone pot fish, farmer roast chicken, Beijing tea oil duck, crispy chestnut cake, spicy hot pot, potato powder, Yunnan bridge rice noodle, bun, breakfast, barbecue, hot pot, dry pot, frying, pasta and cold drink, so as to constantly update and upgrade the taste. Over the years, Beijing shishishixuan has been teaching meticulously with authentic ingredients formula and professional technical training teachers, based on the training market in project setting, and gradually improved its professional height, providing a good platform for entrepreneurs. In August 2008, it was awarded as a key supporting unit for labor employment, in June 2009, it was awarded as a training base for specialty food snacks, in October 2011, it was officially admitted as a member of the snack industry association, and in June 2013, it was rated as the student trustworthy from 2011 to 2013. This marks that Beijing taste pavilion has been recognized by the society and students. Beijing shishishixuan catering training and R & D center is a comprehensive catering development center integrating catering seasoning research and development, food research and technology development, catering project chain and alliance, catering consulting and planning services. It advocates a new catering culture of "tradition and fashion, delicacy and health", adheres to the business philosophy of "integrity, innovation, professionalism and pragmatism", and devotes itself to drinking The spread and promotion of food culture. With our strong technical R & D and brand operation strength, combined with our rich catering practical experience, we are committed to small and medium-sized investment in catering business, catering projects dedicated to small business, creating a new platform for people who want to start a small business, and providing a chance for more unemployed people, migrant workers, and people who want to start a business, so that every It is our great wish that entrepreneurs can realize their dreams by joining the food shop. We always regard quality as our life, base ourselves on the society with good faith, build a brand with quality and service, take the advanced management concept and the steady and steady style of work, and work together with people of insight from all over the world to make the gourmet restaurant well, bigger and stronger based on the principle of mutual benefit, good faith and win-win. Beijing food workshop international catering alliance training technology research and development center has a large number of catering operation management experience and technical resources. It will provide entrepreneurs with mature and characteristic catering operation services. All students can come to the site to inspect and taste the products for free. When it is appropriate, they can decide to learn. Our technical teachers will teach them by hand, and let each student operate and mix ingredients in person, until the All partners can open their own stores. Beijing shishishixuan catering alliance training technology research and development center is a comprehensive catering development center integrating catering seasoning research and development, food research and technology development, catering project chain alliance, catering consulting and planning services. It advocates a new catering culture of "tradition and fashion, delicacy and health" and adheres to the business philosophy of "integrity, innovation, professionalism and pragmatism" And concentrate on the spread and promotion of food culture.
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/27288c9ae.html