The sambac品牌怎么样
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sambac诞生于美国洛杉矶,是由已有30年历史的美国珠宝制造商Silma Collection公司,与美国好莱坞明星顶级造型师、时尚活动家Ivan Bitton合作推出的富有现代风格及意大利式优雅气息的珠宝首饰品牌。
Mya, Teyana Taylor, Kareuche Tran, Toni Braxton, Tamar Braxton, Paula Abdul, Taylor Haselhoff, Olivia Culpo, India Love, Maria Conchita Alonzo, Melissa Ford, Vanessa Simmons, Karina Smirnoff (From Dancing with the stars), Allison Holker (From Dancing with the stars), Vicky Gunvason (From Housewives of Orange County), Jeryl Prescott (From The walking Dead), Althea Heart (From Love and Hip Hop), Candice Boyd (From Love and Hip Hop), Amina Buddafly (From Love and Hip Hop), Kseniya Durst (Socialite Wife Of Fred Durst), Simone Kelley (Host on MTV), Soo Yeon Lee (World champion Ping Pong and Supermodel), Eva Marcille (From Young and the restless), Andrea Sixtos (From Hot show East Los High).
Born in Losangeles, the United States, sambac is a jewelry brand with modern style and Italy style elegance launched by SilmaCollection, an American jewelry manufacturer with a history of 30 years, in cooperation with IvanBitton, a top stylist and fashion activist of American Hollywood stars. Sambac specializes in S925 silver jewelry, first-class zircon and natural gemstone inlay, platinum / 18K gold plating, pure handcrafted, creating a lot of fashion jewelry works. Sambac can be seen everywhere in Los Angeles, the angel city of the United States, Hollywood, where the world's attention is focused. The best partner of superstars attending the red carpet is the first choice to shoot large films, and it is also the fashion vane that fashion magazines are competing to report. Each of sambac's works contains dozens or even thousands of high-quality zircons. These zircons are inlaid by hand in every jewelry work, perfectly showing the brilliance comparable to diamonds, making them vivid, delicate, delicate and even luxurious, becoming the first choice for Hollywood ace stars. Sambac quickly conquered Hollywood red carpet with its unique design By!!! Many Hollywood celebrities wear sambac and become sambac fans. Celebrities include: Mya, Teyana Taylor, kareuchetran, tonibraxton, Tamar Braxton, Paula Abdul, Taylor haselhoff, Olivia culpo, indialove, Maria conchitaalonzo, Melissa Ford, Vanessa Simmons, Karina Smirnoff (from dancing with the stars), Allison holker (from dancing with the stars), VickyGunvason(FromHousewivesofOrangeCounty),JerylPrescott(FromThewalkingDead),AltheaHeart(FromLoveandHipHop),CandiceBoyd(FromLoveandHipHop),AminaBuddafly(FromLoveandHipHop),KseniyaDurst(SocialiteWifeOfFredDurst),SimoneKelley(HostonMTV),SooYeonLee(WorldchampionPingPongandSupermodel),EvaMarcille(FromYoungandtherestless), Andrea sixtos (from hotshow East Los high). Sambac's first store was registered in Guangzhou in December 2019. Coming soon!