Van Cleef & Arpels/梵克雅宝品牌怎么样
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梵克雅宝(VanCleef&Arpels)的故事开始于一段美好的姻缘。十九世纪末,EstelleArpels和AlfredVanCleef俩的结合促成了最著名的珠宝品牌梵克雅宝(VanCleef&Arpels)于1906年的诞生。那一年,他们在法国凡顿广场22号设立了梵克雅宝(VanCleef&Arpels)的第一家精品店。从此,梵克雅宝(VanCleef&Arpels)坚持采用上乘宝石和材质,加以精湛的镶嵌技艺、匠心独具的理念,成就了其不朽的百年传奇。 梵克雅宝(VanCleef&Arpels)自诞生以来,便一直是世界各国贵族和名流雅士所特别钟爱的顶级珠宝品牌。从温莎公爵夫人、摩纳哥王后GraceKelly、伊朗国王与皇后,到现今的好莱坞巨星SharonStone、JuliaRoberts以及中国影星章子怡,无不选择梵克雅宝(VanCleef&Arpels)的珠宝,以展现他们尊贵的气质与风采。 梵克雅宝(VanCleef&Arpels)以莎士比亚的著名剧作《仲夏夜之梦》为创作灵感复活了一个充满神秘魅力的“珠宝花园”。并以莎士比亚浪漫诗句“AMidsummerNight'sDream”为名,缔造出一个小仙子与小精灵居住的梦境国度:四周是浪漫而神秘的树林、令人心醉的天与地,钻石及珍贵宝石精密配合制成的FoliedesPrés系列,将设计师的匠心独运表露无疑。
The story of van Cleef & Arpels begins with a beautiful marriage. At the end of the 19th century, the combination of Estelle Arpels and Alfred vancleef led to the birth of the most famous jewelry brand, vancleef & Arpels, in 1906. That year, they set up the first boutique in Van Cleef & Arpels, No. 22, van den square, France. Since then, van Cleef & Arpels has adhered to the use of superior gemstones and materials, with exquisite inlay skills and unique ideas, and achieved its immortal centennial legend. Since its birth, van Cleef & Arpels has always been a top jewelry brand loved by nobles and celebrities all over the world. From the Duchess of Windsor, the queen of Monaco, Grace Kelly, the king and queen of Iran, to today's Hollywood superstars Sharon Stone, Julia Roberts and Chinese film star Zhang Ziyi, they all choose the jewelry of vancleef & Arpels to show their noble temperament and style. Van Cleef & Arpels, inspired by Shakespeare's famous play a midsummer night's dream, revived a "jewelry garden" full of mysterious charm. In the name of Shakespeare's romantic poem "amisumernight's dream", it creates a dream country where fairies and elves live: surrounded by romantic and mysterious woods, enchanting heaven and earth, and the foliedespr é s series made of diamonds and precious stones, which shows the designer's ingenuity.