





2013年5月1日,MINI官方宣布新车型MINI PACEMAN国内正式上市。据了解,新车共推出两款车型,售价区间为33.9-38.9万元。其双门轿跑车的造型显得十分运动,而低矮的车身姿态也与COUNTRYMAN有较大区别,在一定程度上弱化了SUV车型的高大英朗线条,新车还采用了赛事头盔的设计元素,且车顶可选用车身同色、白色或黑色涂装。配置方面,PACEMAN搭载了Visual Boost娱乐影音系统,不仅可支持连接苹果全系产品,还具有导航功能。

此外,MINI还为其提供了丰富的选装项目,包括舒适进入及启动系统、发动机罩条纹、车顶行李架和中央扶手等。PACEMAN COOPER和COOPER S分别搭载1.6L和1.6T两款汽油发动机,功率输出分别为88kW和135kW,并标配6速手自一体变速箱。其中COOPER S配备了四驱系统,百公里加速时间为8.2秒,车速达207km/h。另外,两款车均可选装车内运动模式按钮。

Mini is a car brand held by BMW after being launched by British Automobile Company. This car brand is a small hatchback with full personality. It was launched by British Automobile Company (BMC) on August 26, 1959. In more than half a century, mini has achieved great success. In 2000, the production of the old Mini stopped. BMW, the new owner of the mini brand, announced the successor of the mini, and set the brand of the new mini as mini (all in capital letters). On May 1, 2013, mini officially announced that the new minipaceman model was officially launched in China. It is understood that the new car launched two models, the price range is 339-389000 yuan. Its two door coupe looks very sporty, and its low body posture is quite different from countryman's, which weakens the tall lines of SUV to a certain extent. The new car also adopts the design elements of racing helmet, and the roof can be painted in the same color, white or black. In terms of configuration, paceman is equipped with visual boost entertainment audio-visual system, which not only supports the connection of all Apple products, but also has navigation function. In addition, mini also provides a wide range of options, including comfortable entry and start system, hood stripe, roof rack and central armrest. Paceman Cooper and Coopers are equipped with 1.6L and 1.6T gasoline engines respectively, with power output of 88kw and 135kW respectively, and are equipped with 6-speed manual automatic transmission as standard. Coopers is equipped with four-wheel drive system, the acceleration time of 100km is 8.2s, and the vehicle speed is 207km / h. In addition, the interior sport mode button is optional for both vehicles.

本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/31b74c20e.html





