Julius Keilwerth 朱利.卡尔沃斯公司创建于1925年,该公司初期在现今的捷克共和国境内成立。第二次世界大战后,公司迁往现在在Nauheim的总部,位于德国法兰克福附近 。
卡尔沃斯品牌真正的崛起应该说是从1986年开始,爵士乐萨克斯管演奏者Peter Ponzol被聘为顾问,针对爵士风格改进和重新设计Keilwerth萨克斯。20世纪80年代末,Keilwerth推出了它的SX90R系列,并获得许多爵士音乐家,如Brandford Marsail , Courtney Pine , Emie Watts , James Moody , Ron Holloway , Mike Smith的人的赞誉。
Bossy & Hawkes 在1989年买下了Keilwerth工厂并在1996年将其与Schreiber公司合并。合并后的公司于2003年被出售给The music Gruop 。2006年The Music Group 又破了产。Schreiber & Keilwerth 成为一家独立的公司。2010年3月,Schreiber & Keilwerth再次申请破产。2010年8月1日,被老牌乐器商布菲公司收购。
Founded in 1925 in Germany, the world famous Saxophone brand was purchased by the old musical instrument manufacturer Buffy in 2010. Its products are famous for their scattered and slightly clear timbre. Julius keilwerth was founded in 1925 in the Czech Republic. After World War II, the company moved to its current headquarters in Nauheim, near Frankfurt, Germany. Since 1986, Peter ponzol, a jazz saxophone player, has been employed as a consultant to improve and redesign the keilwerth saxophone. In the late 1980s, keilwerth launched its SX90R series and won praise from many jazz musicians, such as Brandford Marshall, Courtney pine, emiewarts, James Moody, Ron Holloway, Mike Smith. Bossy & Hawkes bought the keilwerth plant in 1989 and merged it with Schreiber in 1996. The combined company was sold to the musicgruop in 2003. In 2006, the music group broke again. Schreiber & keilwerth became an independent company. In March 2010, Schreiber & keilwerth filed for bankruptcy again. On August 1, 2010, it was acquired by the old musical instrument manufacturer buffy.