2016年 疯马创始人看到传统健身房定价昂贵,推销多,离家远等弊端让消费者体验非常差;而投资大,成本高,风险大也让投资者不得不在消费者身上“割韭菜”。亲赴澳洲考察,提出“重新定义健身房”,共享健身理念初现雏形。
2017年 成立疯马疯玛科技有限公司,注资超过千万,小程序APP开发相继启动。预示着健身行业,即将发生翻天覆地的变化。
2018年 疯马健身实体店以平均每月十家店的速度迅速抢占成都市场。2019年底将完成100家门店的拓展。24小时营业,扫码开门,随时随地,随心所欲。真正做到全民健身,自助共享!
In 2016, the founder of Crazy Horse saw that the disadvantages of traditional gymnasium, such as expensive pricing, many promotions, and being far away from home, made the consumer experience very poor; and the large investment, high cost, and high risk also made investors have to "cut leeks" on consumers. I went to Australia to investigate, proposed "redefining the gym", and the concept of sharing fitness has taken shape. In 2017, Crazy Horse Crazy Horse Technology Co., Ltd. was established, with more than 10 million capital injected, and the development of small program app was launched one after another. Indicates that the fitness industry is about to change dramatically. In 2018, Crazy Horse fitness stores quickly seized Chengdu market with an average of ten stores per month. The expansion of 100 stores will be completed by the end of 2019. Open 24 hours, open the door by scanning the code, anytime, anywhere, at will. Truly achieve national fitness, self sharing!
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