总部位于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市的 Emerson (纽约证券交易所股票代码: EMR),是一家全球性的技术与工程公司,为工业、商业及住宅市场客户提供创新性解决方案。艾默生工业自动化业务通过业界专业的技术和工业专长,帮助过程和离散制造商实现自动化并优化生产过程。艾默生商住解决方案开发一系列技术和服务,从而改善人类舒适度,保障食品安全,保护环境,实现可持续性的食物垃圾处理,并为各类建筑和市政基础设施提供高效的建设和维护支持服务。
Founded in 1927 in the United States, Emerson Electric Co., Ltd. is a world-renowned food waste processor seller and manufacturer. Emerson (New York Stock Exchange Stock Code: EMR), a diversified global manufacturing and technology company headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, is a global technology and engineering company, serving industrial, commercial and residential market customers Provide innovative solutions. Emerson's industrial automation business helps process and discrete manufacturers automate and optimize production processes through industry expertise and expertise. Emerson commercial and residential solutions develop a range of technologies and services to improve human comfort, ensure food safety, protect the environment, achieve sustainable food waste treatment, and provide efficient construction and maintenance support services for various types of buildings and municipal infrastructure.