By Creations(柏品),是一个将意大利时尚元素及纯正意大利手工以创新模式带给消费者的轻奢品牌 。By Creations(柏品)定位都市中的精英男士,有着超凡的品味和对事物独到的见解,从不盲目跟风。产品100%原产自意大利。
By Creations (柏品)一线正牌以精良的意大利工艺版型设计著称,其所有产品100%原产自意大利。By Creations(柏品)的产品采用上乘的面料与工艺,融入意大利的优雅设计与时尚DNA。
上乘面料经过高级制衣师的精心雕琢,呵护成衣每个细节,令穿着更为舒适,诠释当代男装艺术。By Creations(柏品)追求生产精致产品的理念,强调手工,延续意大利代代相传的匠人精神。对于优良传统工艺的尊重和对时尚艺术的深刻理解,是By Creations(柏品)的灵魂所在。
Bycreations is a luxury brand that brings Italian fashion elements and pure Italian handicrafts to consumers in an innovative mode. Bycreations locates the elite men in the city, with extraordinary taste and unique views on things, and never blindly follow the trend. 100% of the products are originated from Italy. Bycreations is famous for its excellent Italian craftsmanship design. 100% of its products are originated from Italy. Bycreations's products are made of superior fabrics and craftsmanship, integrated with Italy's elegant design and fashion DNA. High quality fabrics are carefully carved by senior garment makers to care for every detail of ready to wear clothes, making them more comfortable and interpreting the contemporary men's clothing art. Bycreations pursues the concept of producing exquisite products, emphasizes handcraft, and continues the spirit of craftsman handed down from generation to generation in Italy. Respect for fine traditional crafts and deep understanding of fashion art are the soul of bycreations.