“汉乐府”,在中国红木家具发祥地——苏州常熟专业从事设计、生产、销售红木家具已有20余年的历史。并于2008年在上海设立总部上海汉乐府家具有限公司,总部拥有上海市较大的红木卖场展厅,位于吉盛伟邦国际家具村, 展厅面积近2000平米,也是全国颇大红木卖场展厅。“汉乐府”立足于上海,面向全国,更好的传承发扬中国古典红木家具艺术文化。
常熟位于江南古城,背倚长江,人文荟萃,历代文人墨客辈出,能工巧匠云集,为红木文化发展打下坚实的文化基础,也为华夏文明增添了许多文化艺术瑰宝!其中以红木家具的工艺魅力为使人折服,是品味江南文化的点睛。常熟红木兴起于明代后期,当年苏州文人士大夫与班门匠师携手,打造出工艺精良,意蕴风雅的红木家具,在晚明被誉为“文木雅器”,由此被天下人追慕。而后流向京畿,得到宫廷宠幸,使得故园中融入了江南的诗 情画意,因而被京城官宦呼为“苏作”。“汉乐府”红木家具传承了“苏作”工艺,成为延展江南文脉的一支,亦是为前人开创的江南红木文化续脉。
"Han Yuefu" has been specialized in the design, production and sales of mahogany furniture for more than 20 years in Changshu, Suzhou, the birthplace of mahogany furniture in China. Shanghai hanlefu Furniture Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Shanghai in 2008. It has a large mahogany store exhibition hall in Shanghai. It is located in Jishengweibang international furniture village, with an area of nearly 2000 square meters. It is also a large mahogany store exhibition hall in China. "Han Yuefu" is based in Shanghai, facing the whole country, better inheriting and carrying forward the art and culture of Chinese classical mahogany furniture. Changshu is located in the ancient city in the south of the Yangtze River. It has a large number of literati and calligraphers, skilled craftsmen, laying a solid cultural foundation for the development of mahogany culture and adding many cultural and artistic treasures to Chinese civilization! Among them, the craft charm of mahogany furniture is the key to taste Jiangnan culture. Changshu mahogany rose in the late Ming Dynasty. At that time, Suzhou literati and headmen craftsmen worked together to create mahogany furniture with excellent workmanship and elegant connotation. In the late Ming Dynasty, it was known as "elegant and elegant furniture", which was admired by people all over the world. Then it flowed to the capital and got the favor of the court, which made the hometown integrated with the poetry and painting of the south of the Yangtze River, so it was called "Su Zuo" by the officials of the capital. "Han Yuefu" mahogany furniture inherits the technology of "Su Zuo" and becomes a branch of extending the culture of Jiangnan, which is also a continuation of the culture of Jiangnan mahogany created by predecessors. "Su Zuo" is characterized by the pursuit of freshness and elegance. With its elegant and euphemistic style, it shows the aesthetic and style of "suzuo" Redwood Furniture imperceptibly, and fully embodies the elegance of Jiangnan Water Town! These are all displayed in the mahogany furniture of "Han Yuefu".
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/390c7100c.html