喜德瑞集团,是一家供暖与生活热水系统产品研发者、制造商与经销商,总部设在荷兰阿珀尔多伦。 绿色节能,全球同步 一直是喜德瑞产品的宗旨。
喜德瑞集团旗下拥有20多个品牌,其中BAXI(八喜)、德地氏(De Dietrich)、厦贝(CHAPPEE)、伯爵(BR?TJE)更是享誉全球,处于供暖行业重要的地位。自1998年喜德瑞热能集团将全球化的触角蔓延到中国以来,深耕中国市场,于2012年开始相继在无锡、乌鲁木齐、西安、武汉成立了四个办事处,进一步深化完善了喜德瑞中国的网络布局。喜德瑞扎根中国,坚持将百年工艺和技术革新科学结合,并借助雄厚的研发实力,致力于产品技术的创新,竭力开发可持续能源,以绿色供暖产品为中国用户提供智能型供暖解决方案,引领绿色未来。
Sidre group is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of heating and domestic hot water system products, headquartered in apeldoren, the Netherlands. Green energy saving and global synchronization have always been the tenet of our products. As one of the largest heating product manufacturers in the world, sidre Group employs more than 6300 people in Europe, with more than 300 R & D personnel working in eight top national R & D centers. The annual product R & D investment is more than 30 million euros for the improvement and upgrading of existing products and the R & D of new products. The annual sales volume is more than 1.6 billion euros, especially reaching 1.8 billion euros in 2010 Euro. The company sells in more than 70 countries. The products mainly cover solar collectors and heat pumps, and provide small-scale cogeneration, wall mounted furnaces, floor furnaces, renewable energy products, water heaters, related products, services and accessories, making a heating enterprise providing customers with a wide range of solutions with innovative products and thoughtful services. The group has more than 20 brands, among which Baxi, dedietrich, chappee and Br? Tje are well-known in the world and play an important role in the heating industry. Since the global tentacles were spread to China in 1998, the group has been deeply involved in the Chinese market. Since 2012, it has successively established four offices in Wuxi, Urumqi, Xi'an and Wuhan, further deepening and improving the network layout of the group. Based in China, we adhere to the scientific combination of 100 years of technology and technological innovation, and with strong R & D strength, we are committed to product technology innovation, strive to develop sustainable energy, provide intelligent heating solutions for Chinese users with green heating products, and lead the green future.