「以客为先」一直是MaBelle的服务宗旨,透过贴心的服务及训练有素的专业人才,赢得顾客的认同及支持,这全因为一份对「顾客赢、同事赢、股东赢」的三赢理念及诚信的坚持与执着。 MaBelle矢志为顾客提供质量优良的钻饰,本着「万千款式‧与别不同」的品牌理念,因应顾客不同的品味及需求,设计出逾万款时尚优质及物有所值的潮流钻饰以供选择,钻饰的设计更融合本地特色及国际时尚,屡获设计的专业奖项,赢得业界肯定与认同,争取顾客对MaBelle的信心。
Twenty years ago, the price of diamond ornaments was very expensive. Wearing diamond ornaments was only patented by a few people and was not popular. We see that the development of the diamond market is slow, but the consumption capacity of Hong Kong people is growing. In the spirit of this concept and innovation, "mabelle" was founded in 1993, and it is an earlier diamond chain store with clear code and real price. Through continuous efforts, MaBelle has developed into a Hong Kong diamond chain with a wide network and become a part of modern women's life. "Customer first" has always been MaBelle's service tenet. Through attentive service and well-trained professionals, MaBelle has won the recognition and support of customers. All of this is due to its adherence to the three win concept of "customer win, colleague win, shareholder win" and its integrity. MaBelle is committed to providing customers with high-quality diamond ornaments. In line with the brand concept of "thousands of styles, different styles" and in response to customers' different tastes and needs, more than 10000 fashionable, high-quality and value for money trend diamond ornaments have been designed for selection. The design of diamond ornaments is more integrated with local characteristics and international fashion. It has won many professional awards in design, won recognition and recognition from the industry and won customers Confidence in MaBelle.