Bestbuy started as an audio accessories store called voice of music. The company was founded in Minnesota in 1966 and changed its name to best buy in 1983. In 1983, we adjusted our marketing strategy and began to use mass marketing techniques to operate our branches under the concept of "super stores" to provide more complete product choices. In 1989, we cancelled the commission sales mode and introduced the business concept of self-service discount stores, which completely changed our traditional retail means and provided more autonomy and space for consumers in the shopping process. As one of the largest and most prestigious retail enterprises in the world, bestbuy is mainly engaged in consumer electronics, home office supplies, electrical appliances, entertainment software and related services. As one of the top 100 Fortune magazine companies, best buy's great success is attributed to the passion, wisdom and professional skills of more than 130000 employees in the United States, Canada and China. Since a small enterprise started up, the company has overcome such obstacles as industry merger, enterprise expansion, product concentration and popularization, and has become a famous technology entertainment product and service retail chain enterprise with a total output value of 31 billion US dollars in North America. Bestbuy is the world's largest retail and distribution and service group for home appliances and electronic products. Bestbuy group includes bestbuy retail, music garden group, future mall company, magnoliahi fi, hotline entertainment company, futureshop and five star appliance. Bestbuy is a leader in the same industry in North America, focusing on corporate vision, mission and values. Bestbuy ranked 66th in the fortune 200 and 142nd in the global 500. Company history was founded in Minnesota in 1966 and changed its name to best buy in 1983. In 1983, the company adjusted its marketing strategy and began to use mass marketing techniques to operate its branches under the concept of "super stores" to provide more complete product choices. In 1989, the company cancelled the sales mode of commission system and introduced the management concept of self-service discount shop, which completely changed the traditional retail means of the company and provided more autonomy and space for consumers in the shopping process. In fiscal year 2000, the company launched its first online shopping website. With the continuous development of the store mode of best buy, more interactive demonstration means are adopted for specific products to provide customers with more perfect services, thus further improving the efficiency and sales mode. In fiscal year 2000, the company introduced the concept of small market best buy store, which provides the same products as large stores, but further subdivides the product classification to meet the needs of each different community. In fiscal year 2001, the company acquired Magnolia hi fi chain, a high-end video and audio product retail enterprise headquartered in Seattle and Washington, so as to gain a high-level consumer group in the market. In fiscal year 2004, magnoliahi fi was renamed magnoliaaudiovideo. The company believes that the new name and the redesigned logo better represent Magnolia audiovideo as a high-end consumer electronics retailer. In 2002, the company acquired futureshop, a major consumer electronics retail company in Canada, which further consolidated the company's international strategic trend. The merger gives the company the opportunity to increase sales, expand market share, and better learn from and make use of their professional experience in the consumer electronics retail industry. In fiscal year 2003, the company introduced the best buy brand in Canada. Both brands have been very successful in the Canadian market. The company acquired geeksquad in fiscal year 2003. Geeksquad provides both civil and commercial computer support services. The company acquired geeksquad to further provide technical support services to customers. In 2006, best buy acquired Pacific Sales kitchen and bath, a high-end household product retailer. Centers. The merger has significantly improved the company's capabilities in all aspects. With the exhibition hall model which has been proved to be quite effective, the company manages various top household appliance brands for high-end customer groups. On May 12, 2006, best buy officially announced to the outside world that it had acquired Jiangsu Five Star Electric by way of holding shares. So far, China's top three home appliance chain enterprises: Gome, Suning and best buy. This is almost the same as the proportion of the top 100 retailers in the world. In recent years, about 10% of the top 100 retailers are large professional chain stores, and about one third of them are home appliance chain enterprises. On February 22, 2011, best buy announced on its official website that it would close 9 best buy stores in mainland China and plan to open nearly 50 five-star appliance stores in China in 2012.