SAP,取名自爱因斯坦所说”Everything should be made as Simple as Possible.”,强调任何事情都应尽量简单。特别是在这个步伐迅速的鲜明年代,SAP所提出”简单生活,享受自我”的简约作风,更应该在当代被推崇。
SAP品牌镜片秉承“科技关爱健康”的经营理念,专注于光学领域高、精、尖技术探索,通过整合全球光学领域优质的产品、技术资源,为消费者提供优质、专业、健康的视光产品,带领简单、健康、快乐的生活新方式。在商业世界,SAP用科技管理企业,解决复杂的商务问题,在健康视界,SAP以专业品质创造优质的眼镜产品,以科技关爱健康,从专利的材料TRIVEX到高科技Transitions,从健康理念倡导产品Low Consumption Lens到全天候的PAL底非,以出色方案为你管理视力领域的安全健康。目前SAP旗下拥有全爱视、e蓝科、鼎臻、低耗、HD低耗-Plus、低耗防蓝光、微耗-8、视悦智能、变色、全视线Ⅶ变色、渐进、PRO-KING等十几个镜片品类。
Sap, named after what Einstein called "everything should be as simple as possible," stresses that everything should be as simple as possible. Especially in this era of rapid development, SAP's simple style of "simple life, enjoy yourself" should be respected in the contemporary era. SAP brand lens adheres to the business philosophy of "science and technology care for health", focuses on the exploration of high, precise and sophisticated technology in the optical field, provides consumers with high-quality, professional and healthy optometry products through the integration of high-quality products and technical resources in the global optical field, and leads a simple, healthy and happy new way of life. In the business world, SAP uses science and technology to manage enterprises and solve complex business problems. In the health field of vision, SAP creates high-quality glasses with professional quality, cares for health with science and technology, from patented material TriVex to high-tech transitions, from health concept advocacy product lowconsumptionlens to all-weather pal background, and manages the safety and health of vision field for you with excellent solutions. At present, sap has more than ten lens categories, such as all love vision, e-Blue, Dingzhen, low consumption, HD low consumption plus, low consumption anti blue light, micro consumption-8, Shiyue intelligence, color change, full vision Ⅶ color change, progressive, pro-King, etc.