丝黛拉•麦卡妮(Stella McCartney)出生于英国伦敦,在乡村地区长大,1995年毕业于英国中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院(Central St Martins)。1997年,仅仅在推出两个系列之后,她就获委任为巴黎蔻依(Chloe)的创意总监,任职期间成绩斐然。
2001年,斯特拉•麦卡妮(Stella McCartney)与开云(Kering)集团合作成立了一家控股各50%的合资公司,用自己的名字创办了同名品牌时装店。2001年10月,她在巴黎展示了自己的同名品牌时装系列。Stella McCartney推广素食主义,在设计中拒绝使用任何皮革和皮草材质。她的产品系列包括女装成衣、配饰、内衣、眼镜、香水以及童装。
Stella McCartney目前经营着51家独立精品店,分别位于曼哈顿的苏荷区(Manhattan’s Soho)、伦敦的梅菲尔区(Mayfair)和邦德十字路(Brompton Cross)、洛杉矶的西好莱坞区(West Hollywood)、巴黎的皇宫区(Palais Royal)、米兰、东京、上海和北京等地。现在,她的系列产品通过专卖店和高级百货公司等863多个代理商专柜销往77多个国家,同时还通过在线邮购的方式销往100个国家。
Kaiyun group's brand, product design does not contain any leather and fur materials, integrates the unique style of retro and rock, and constantly becomes the favorite of fashion women everywhere, Stella McCartney, born in London, England, grew up in rural areas, graduated from the Central St Martins in 1995. In 1997, just after launching two series, she was appointed creative director of Chloe in Paris, with remarkable achievements. In 2001, Stella McCartney teamed up with kering group to set up a 50% joint venture, creating a boutique of the same name in her own name. In October 2001, she showed off her fashion line of the same name in Paris. Stella McCartney promotes vegetarianism and refuses to use any leather or fur material in the design. Her products range from women's clothing, accessories, underwear, glasses, perfume and children's clothing. Stella McCartney currently operates 51 independent boutiques in Manhattan's Soho, Mayfair in London and the Brompton cross, West Hollywood in Los Angeles, Palais Royal in Paris, Milan, Tokyo, Shanghai and Beijing. Now, her products are sold to more than 77 countries through 863 agency counters such as exclusive stores and high-end department stores, and also to 100 countries through online mail order.