La pargay品牌怎么样
外推网助力La pargay品牌出海!通过在本页面挂载La pargay品牌的产品链接和联系邮箱,可以提高La pargay产品曝光!跨境电商爆单神器,目前只要100元/年哦~
La pargay品牌隶属深圳市纳帕佳服装有限公司,创立于1999年,并于2004年更名为深圳市多多服装有限公司。
自90年代末成立以来的La pargay品牌,以黑白色为基调,坚持简洁、飘逸大气、精英化着装的品牌路线,凭借“简单、纯粹”的优质出品,在国内服装品牌中独树一帜。
随着十五年的发展,现在的La pargay已建立一支从企划、设计到生产、物流、销售等各方面的精英化团队,同时大力拓展市场渠道,获取客户、代理商以及商场的信任,目前已在北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、南京、长沙、成都、日本等各大时尚前沿城市建立了近400多家品牌店。
Lapargay brand is subordinate to Shenzhen napaja Clothing Co., Ltd., founded in 1999 and renamed as Shenzhen Duoduo Clothing Co., Ltd. in 2004. Since its establishment in the late 1990s, lapargay brand, with black and white as the keynote, adheres to the brand line of simple, elegant and elitist dress, with its "simple and pure" high-quality products, is unique among domestic clothing brands. With the development of 15 years, lapargay has established an elite team in planning, design, production, logistics, sales and other aspects. Meanwhile, lapargay has vigorously expanded its market channels and won the trust of customers, agents and shopping malls. At present, lapargay has established nearly 40 leading fashion cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Changsha, Chengdu, Japan and so on More than 0 brand stores.