维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 对于性感美艳的定义早已昭然若揭,VS天使模特们的长发自然而微卷,象刚刚睡醒尚未梳洗或才经历一场完美的性爱。维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 天使模特们面容自然媚态,红绯绯的脸庞、雾茫茫的双眸、象刚刚接吻过的嘴唇……
维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 隶属美国知名中高档服装生产商 Intimate Brands 集团,性感是维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 的代名词。VS 优雅,热情,挑逗的秀场,在伸展台上影响着全球三十亿女性人口的“内在美学”,同时也在香水、配饰、化妆品等领域散发出让人无法抗拒的魅力。在全美,维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 拥有超过1000家的分店都在销售由超级名模代言的VS性感内衣。
维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 品牌成立于20世纪70年代初,自成立那天起,公司的名字就一直成为了魅力、浪漫、纵容及女式内衣的代名词,公司每分钟的内衣销量高达600多件!
总裁Grace Nicholas把维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 描述成“一位生活方式的商家,即时装商是众多顾客生活的组成部分。我们给予顾客的是:魅力、美丽、时尚及一点儿浪漫。我们清楚什么时装适合女性的身体和情感受需求”。
VS 创造性地引进了新材料新产品生产线,如“第二层皮肤缎面”(Second Skin Satin)、主要用棉制品做的“性感形体服”及“完美外形”乳罩产品尤其畅销,所以维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 计划每年开发一种新的乳罩款式。
维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 每回的新品发表会俨然已成为无国界的全民运动,不光是女人想看,男人更爱看,一旦惹火性感的画面同步出现在维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 官方网站上,旋即造成全球性的网路大塞车。春季时装表演会每年二月份在纽约举行,届时超级名模们争相亮相,名单可在连锁目录里见到,世界上大约有5亿客户拥有此类目录。
现在维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 的产品种类包括了女士内衣、睡衣及各种配套服装、豪华短裤、香水、化妆品以及相关书籍等,是全球知名的、性感内衣品牌。2002年,维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIAS SECRET) 推出的镶嵌宝石、价值1000万美元的乳罩更是轰动世界。
Founded in 1977, under the American Limited Brands Group, the sexy underwear brand is popular all over the world. Vermeer angel is the model spokesperson of the brand. Every year, an annual underwear show can attract the eyes of the World Victoria's secret. The definition of sexy beauty has already been clearly revealed. Vs. the long hair of angel models is natural and tiny, like just waking up and not being combed or just now Experience the perfect sex. Victoria Secret Angel models are naturally charming, with red faces, misty eyes and lips just kissed Victoria Secret belongs to intimatebands group, a well-known middle and high-end clothing manufacturer in the United States. Sexy is a synonym for Victoria Secret. VS elegant, warm, provocative show, on the extension platform affects the global three billion women's "inner aesthetics", but also in perfume, accessories, cosmetics and other fields, it gives people an irresistible charm. In the United States, Victoria Secret has more than 1000 stores selling vs sexy underwear represented by supermodels. Victoria Secret was founded in the early 1970s. Since its establishment, the name of the company has been synonymous with charm, romance, connivance and women's underwear. The company sells more than 600 pieces of underwear per minute! Grace Nicholas, President of Victoria Secret, described it as "a lifestyle business, instant installers are part of the lives of many customers. We give our customers charm, beauty, fashion and a little romance. We know what fashion suits women's physical and emotional needs. Vs has creatively introduced new material and new product lines, such as "Second Skin Satin", sexy body clothes mainly made of cotton products and "perfect shape" bra products, which are especially popular. Therefore, Victoria Secret plans to develop a new bra style every year. Victoria Secret has become a national movement without borders every time a new product is released. Not only do women want to see it, but men prefer to see it. Once the hot and sexy pictures appear on Victoria Secret's official website, it will cause a global traffic jam. The spring fashion show is held in New York in February every year, when supermodels compete to appear. The list can be seen in the chain catalog, which is owned by about 500 million customers in the world. The products of Vitoria's VICTORIASSECRET include women's underwear, pajamas and all kinds of accessories, luxury shorts, perfume, cosmetics and related books. In 2002, Victoria Secret launched a $10 million bra inlaid with gems, which became a sensation in the world.
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