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bread n butter深信,每位女性都是“beautiful”,而且都有自己的“talents”
bread n butter 品牌创办人Victoria Law认为“时尚”不只是时装,亦同时是一种生活态度,bread n butter 深信每位女性都是“beautiful”,而且都有自己的“talents”。美丽源於自信与自爱,才华是追求梦想的推动力。所以“beautiful and talented”是品牌设计一直坚守的信念。
bread n butter 创新地寻找同样有美丽丶 有才华的艺术家作为每个时装季度的灵感女神,创作出不同系列而信念相同的Libertines Collection。Victoria Law认为“时尚”不只是时装,亦同时是一种生活态度,而简单生活亦能刻划出丰富细节,展现简约生活的魅力。因此,坚持以「Details in Simple」为设计原则,充分表现她对时装的独特见解与设计天赋。
bread n butter能每每创造出风靡时尚的女性服装,只因熟悉女性的心思细密及爱多元化选择的本性。 故此,bread n butter每季都推出多元化时尚款式,并於细节上有着种种惊喜。至於用色方面,bread n butter不会只做黑色或暗色的设计,认为鲜艶的颜色有向梦想前进的感觉。在bread n butter梦想颜色国度里,有常用的Fuchsia丶Dusty Purple丶Marmalade丶Royal Blue丶Turquoise等,於简单易穿的服饰上将色彩与细节尽情发挥表现时尚风采。
Breadnbouter is convinced that every woman is "beautiful", and Victoria law, the founder of "talents" brand, believes that "fashion" is not only fashion, but also a life attitude. Breadnbouter is convinced that every woman is "beautiful", and has its own "talents". Beauty comes from self-confidence and self love. Talent is the driving force of pursuing dreams. So "beautiful brand" is the belief of brand design. Breadbutter is innovatively looking for beautiful and talented artists as the inspiration goddess of each fashion season to create different series of Libertines collection with the same belief. Victoria law believes that "fashion" is not only a fashion, but also a life attitude. Simple life can also carve out rich details and show the charm of simple life. Therefore, she adheres to the design principle of "details in simple" to fully express her unique views and design talents on fashion. Breadbutter can always create fashionable women's clothing, only because we are familiar with women's mind and love the nature of multiple choices. As a result, breadbutter has launched a variety of fashionable styles every season, with various surprises in details. In terms of color use, breadbutter will not only do black or dark design, but also think that the color of fresh bamboo has the feeling of moving forward to the dream. In the breadbutter dream color country, there are commonly used Fuchsia, dustypurple, marmalade, royalblue, turquoise, etc., which display the fashion style with colors and details in simple and easy-to-wear clothes.