Callaway Golf公司(NYSE: ELY)是世界大型高尔夫球具制造商,致力于不断创新为所有高尔夫球爱好者提供各种产品和服务,帮助他们提高球艺。卡拉威高尔夫公司在全球110多个国家和地区生产和销售各种高尔夫球杆、高尔夫球和配件。其各种出色的产品和技术,对拥有几百年历史的高尔夫运动带来了深刻的变革。
Callaway Golf一直站立在时代的潮头,倾注着热情、创新力、创造力和技术,使高球运动“优异并愉悦(Demonstrably Superior & Pleasingly Different)”,让所有的高尔夫球友都能更轻松地享受高尔夫运动的乐趣。Callaway Golf不断地以积极创新的精神,打造梦想中完美的高尔夫版图。旗下知名品牌包括: Callaway Golf®, Odyssey®,Strata®。
Started in 1982 in the United States, it is famous for its outstanding golf equipment products and cutting-edge technology, and is committed to providing all kinds of products and services for all golf enthusiasts. Callawaygolf company (NYSE: ely), the world's largest golf equipment manufacturer, is committed to continuous innovation to provide all kinds of products and services for all golf enthusiasts Help them improve their skills. Caraway Golf company produces and sells all kinds of golf clubs, golf balls and accessories in more than 110 countries and regions around the world. Its various excellent products and technologies have brought profound changes to the golf sport with a history of hundreds of years. Callawaygolf has been standing at the tide of the times, devoting enthusiasm, innovation, creativity and technology to make golf "outstanding superior & pleasant difference", so that all golf friends can enjoy the fun of golf more easily. Callawaygolf constantly creates the perfect golf territory in the dream with the spirit of active innovation. Its famous brands include callawaygolf, Odyssey, strata.