1958年,发明了百洁布产品,去污力强, 经久耐用,给家庭清洁带来了新理念。1985年,思高品牌进入中国,开始生产和销售思高百洁布系列产品,成为中国家庭主妇清洁家务的好帮手。
目前,思高品牌旗下涵盖了百洁布,抹布,百洁刷,拖把,手套,随手拈,擦窗器等系列产品。思高品牌的产品已经进入到中国的千家万户,帮助万千家庭主妇从繁重的家务清洁工作中解放出来. 充分诠释了思高品牌 清洁快快搞定,生活慢慢享受 的美好理念。
3M's well-known brand of household cleaning products, invented Baijie cloth products in 1958, which focuses on reducing household cleaning work for housewives all over the world. Sego brand is 3M's brand, taking reducing household cleaning work for housewives all over the world as its own responsibility. In 1958, Baijie cloth product was invented, which has strong decontamination and durability, bringing a new concept to family cleaning. In 1985, Sego brand entered China, and began to produce and sell Sego Baijie cloth series products, becoming a good helper for Chinese housewives to clean household chores. At present, our brand covers a series of products, such as Baijie cloth, dishcloth, Baijie brush, mop, glove, handy grip, window cleaner, etc. The products of sigo brand have entered into thousands of households in China, helping thousands of housewives to liberate themselves from the heavy housework cleaning work. It fully explains the beautiful idea that sigo brand cleaning can be done quickly and life can be enjoyed slowly. In the process of decades of development in China, with strong technical platform advantages and professional team, the SCO brand has made remarkable achievements in different fields.