丹东市老天祥医药连锁有限公司主要经营中药饮片、中成药、化学药制剂、抗生素制剂、生物制品、生化药品,二、三类医疗器械,家用医疗器械,预包装食品(含保健食品),卫生材料,玻璃器皿,消毒用品,日用百货,化妆品,避孕器具。公司经营 的中药饮片因品种齐全、货真价实而倍受丹东地区人民和国内外客商的青睐,野山参、活性参、石柱参、野生灵芝、林蛙油、梅花鹿茸及鹿鞭等细贵药材和传统经典中成药常被作为馈赠以及捎往国外的佳品。
“老天祥”是丹东地区极为珍贵稀缺的跨越3个世纪依然充满活力的民族传统品牌。她以“天”为信仰,以“人”为关怀对象,承载着丹东的优秀传统文化,是中华商道的展现。“老天祥”作为一家拥有120多年历史文化和靠品质靠口碑走进千家万户, 将恪守仁义诚信为本、顺天应人为宗,传承创新“诚实守信、货真价实、一视同仁、童叟无欺”的经营理念,提升服务品质,满足顾客需求,专注追求“有口皆碑老天祥“的终极目标,使“老天祥”在开拓创新中做强做精做久,永远造福丹东人民。
Dandong Tianxiang pharmaceutical chain Co., Ltd. was restructured in 2008. Its headquarter is located in No. 82-3, Jinshan street, Dandong City, Liaoning Province, a large border city in China. In 1996, Tianxiang pharmaceutical chain Co., Ltd. implemented chain operation in the drug retail industry of Dandong District, becoming one of the top 100 chain drugstores in China, and now it has become a drug retail enterprise with 25 chain drugstores. Dandong Tianxiang pharmaceutical chain Co., Ltd. mainly deals in Chinese herbal pieces, proprietary Chinese medicine, chemical pharmaceutical preparations, antibiotic preparations, biological products, biochemical drugs, class II and III medical devices, household medical devices, prepackaged food (including health food), health materials, glassware, disinfection products, daily necessities, cosmetics, contraceptives. Chinese Herbal Pieces operated by the company are favored by people in Dandong area and domestic and foreign merchants for their complete varieties and real prices. Such fine and precious herbs as wild ginseng, active ginseng, shizhushen, wild Ganoderma lucidum, Rana oil, antler of plum blossom and deer whip and traditional classic Chinese patent medicines are often used as gifts and good products carried abroad. "Tianxiang" is a very precious and scarce traditional national brand in Dandong, which is still full of vitality after three centuries. She takes "heaven" as her belief, takes "human" as her care object, carries the excellent traditional culture of Dandong, and shows the Chinese business way. "Tianxiang", as a family with more than 120 years of history and culture and relying on word-of-mouth quality, will adhere to the principle of benevolence, integrity, obedience to nature, inherit and innovate the business philosophy of "honest and trustworthy, real goods, no discrimination, no fraud for the old and the young", improve the quality of service products, meet customer needs, focus on the pursuit of the ultimate goal of "Tianxiang is well-known to all", so that "the old people "Tianxiang" will be stronger and better in the development and innovation for a long time, and will always benefit the people of Dandong.
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/59d9c7de3.html