Morrie Backun于2000年在加拿大温哥华成立Backun Musical Service(BMS)乐器服务公司。一开始着重于木管乐器维修及调音等。在积累足够的经验后,Backun先生以自己为名,开始了Backun调音节及喇叭口的制作销售。凭借其专业知识及高超的工艺技术,造就了单簧管优异的音色、音准及流畅性。就此Backun以极快的速度在音乐市场获得响亮的名声。Backun更利用CNC车床的高科技,制作更精密的木管乐器和配件。
弯德林(Vandoren)公司,成立于1905年,总部设在法国巴黎,是一家专门制造哨片、笛头等乐器配件的生产厂商,Vandoren 公司多年来应广大音乐家和老师的要求,经过不断创新与改进,现已推出多种型号的哨片、笛头等产品供广大音乐爱好者挑选。
从手工莫巴和 Backun 单簧管二节、 喇叭口和笛头,Backun 音乐服务是 重塑单簧管一片一片地 。
In 2000, Morrie backun founded backun musical service (BMS) in Vancouver, Canada. At first, we focused on the maintenance and tuning of woodwind instruments. After accumulating enough experience, Mr. backun started the production and sales of backun syllables and trumpets in his own name. With its professional knowledge and superb technology, the clarinet has excellent timbre, intonation and fluency. In this regard, backun gained a great reputation in the music market at an extremely fast speed. Backun uses CNC lathe's high technology to make more precise woodwind instruments and accessories. Beijing soda Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the promotion of music products, focusing on the sales and promotion of music products in mainland China. At present, as the agent of Vandoren in China, the company has set up a nationwide agent network and perfect marketing system. Vandoren company, founded in 1905 and headquartered in Paris, France, is a manufacturer specializing in the manufacture of whistle pieces, flute heads and other musical instrument accessories. Vandoren company has launched many models of whistle pieces, flute heads and other products for the selection of music lovers after continuous innovation and improvement at the request of musicians and teachers for many years. From hand-made MoBa and backun clarinet two sections, bell mouth and flute head, backun music service is to reshape clarinet one by one.