作为一家专业的腕表厂商,CITIZEN的制表过程全面包括了从单一组件制造到腕表组装的各项工序。CITIZEN采用工匠般的手法制造腕表,不断开拓技术领域,并利用丰富的经验探索新的可能性。CITIZEN的业务分布在多过一百个国家。自1918年成立以来,CITIZEN已坚守理念,相信一切皆有更好的可能;而「更好」的开始,就是「现在」。 秉持着这个信念,CITIZEN屡创先河,率先引进电波定时、卫星对时技术,还有革命性的光动能技术。
Founded in 1918, a professional comprehensive wristwatch manufacturer, which is subordinate to the west iron city timepiece Co., Ltd., is a professional wristwatch manufacturer with the reputation of environmental protection for the optical kinetic energy wristwatch without frequent battery replacement. The production process of citizen comprehensively includes all processes from single component manufacturing to wristwatch assembly. Citizen uses craftsman like techniques to make wristwatches, constantly exploring technical fields and exploring new possibilities with rich experience. Citizen operates in more than 100 countries. Since its inception in 1918, citizen has been committed to the idea that there is a better possibility for everything, and the beginning of "better" is "now". With this belief in mind, citizen has pioneered the introduction of radio timing, satellite timing technology and revolutionary optical kinetic energy technology.