纽崔莱由世界维生素工业之父卡尔·宏邦(KALL.LI HBAG)于1934年创立,80年来致力于提供优质营养,倡导积极生活方式,提升与推动人们的健康,以卓越的产品行销全球50多个国家与地区。
Nutrilite was founded in 1934 by Kall. Lihbag, the father of Vitamin Industry in the world. Over the past 80 years, Nutrilite has been committed to providing high-quality nutrition, advocating active lifestyle, improving and promoting people's health, and marketing its excellent products to more than 50 countries and regions around the world. As a global quality brand of nutrition supplement food, Nutrilite is trusted by consumers for its excellent quality, extensive scientific research, rigorous organic planting and advanced production technology. Nutrilite nutrition and health food has been introduced into China since 1998. Nutrilite has successively launched more than 10 kinds of products, including nutrition supplement food, efficacy health food and special nutrition food. Through innovative nutrition and health concept and high-quality nutrition and health food, Nutrilite has been loved by Chinese consumers. In 1972, Nutrilite was acquired by Amway. Nutrilite entered a new stage of development. Nutrilite has grown into a global quality brand of nutritional supplements.