BONES(株式会社ボンズ)是日本的一家动画工作室,由于旗下一些较高水准的动画作品而受到业内外瞩目。其代表作有《翼神传说》《狼雨》《樱兰高校男公关部》《交响诗篇》《DARKER THAN BLACK -黑之契约者-》《噬魂师》《钢之炼金术师FA》《野良神》《血界战线》《灵能百分百》等等。2018年11月10日,制作的剧场版动画《ANEMONE/交响诗篇EUREKA SEVEN HI-EVOLUTION》上映。2019年1月,制作的TV动画《灵能百分百Ⅱ》播出。4月,制作的电视动画《CAROL&TUESDAY》播出。
Founded in 1998, also known as bone company, bones (Co., Ltd.) is an animation studio in Japan, which is famous for its high-quality production level. Because of its high-level animation works, bones has attracted the attention of the industry and abroad. His representative works include legend of the winged God, wolf rain, male public relations department of cherry orchid University, symphonic poem, darkerthanblock - the black contractor, Soul Eater, steel alchemist FA, wild good God, blood front, spirit 100%, etc. On November 10, 2018, the theater version of the animation "anemone / Symphony poem eurekasevenhi-evolution" was released. In January 2019, the TV animation "psionics Ⅱ" produced was broadcast. In April, the produced TV animation "Carol & Tuesday" was broadcast. Bones studio was founded in October 1998 by Nan Yayan, former member of sunrise company, fengbanhaosi and chuanyuanlihao. One of the studio's early works was star Cowboy: the title of heaven, which was CO produced with sunrise. The word "bones" in English means "bone" (plural), which is the name based on the idea and idea of the company's president, Nan Yayan, according to "to make a solid animation" ("bone", "to make", "to make"). [3] Bones keeps the level of producing 2-3 works a year. It is a kind of animation production company with low production and high quality.