Romeo y Julieta是英国前首相丘吉尔喜爱的品牌,在世界上享有盛誉。其品种繁多,有40多种尺寸,常采用铝管包装,并有许多机器制尺寸。尽管因尺寸较多导致雪茄品质很难避免鱼龙混杂,但一些此品牌下的雪茄品质仍属上乘,更有许多雪茄是极品。
此品牌的早期成功应直接归功于罗德里格斯·费尔南德斯(Rodríguez Fernández)的不懈努力。他在担任哈瓦那的卡瓦那斯(Cabanas)烟厂经理时,被人们称作“Pepín”。他因不满烟厂被美利坚烟草公司(American Tobacco)接收,于1903年辞职,另起炉灶。该厂自1875年起就一直生产一种叫作Romeo y Julieta的品牌的雪茄,主要销往古巴国内市场。但他的雄心壮志还不只如此,为激励员工,他将公司30%的利润分给各部门主管,自己周游世界进行促销活动,短短两年之内,员工增至1400名,于是搬迁到了更大的工厂。为了满足君王、州长等达官贵人的需求,他专门设计了个人化的雪茄标签(曾有一个时期烟厂生产了2000种不同标签)。他始终投身于自己的烟草事业中,对自己的品牌几乎到了痴迷的程度。他除了将他的赛马取名为朱丽叶外,还试图买下意大利维罗纳(Verona)的卡普莱特(Capulet)剧院,该剧院曾上演过莎士比的戏剧。
到1939年,沾了他的光,每个在这里看戏的观众都可免费享受一支雪茄。他于1954年去世。Romeo y Julieta的Churchills尺寸采用管装,制造精良,香味极好,但管装雪茄有时较新鲜,结果是熟成程度不如盒装雪茄好。贴有引人注目的金色标签的Churchill尺寸(除了Cedros系列之外,其他尺寸都贴着红色标签)是非常经典的风味中等浓郁至浓郁的雪茄。Corona尺寸,采用深褐色茄衣,结构精良,但风味品质不稳定。Cedros deluxe No.1(Lonsdale尺寸)颜色较深,表面光滑,中等浓郁,但喜欢该尺寸的人较少。Exhibición No.4(Hermoso4)采用油滑茄衣,风味浓烈,适合于大餐之后享用,受到许多雪茄行家的青睐。Cedros deluxe No.2则是Corona尺寸好的一种,非常具有个性。Petit Julietas也是制造精良,风味浓郁的雪茄。 Churchill各种尺寸之间没有多大差别,但有些人认为Prince of Wales比它的管装雪茄来得更温和。千万不要将标为No.1 Deluxe、No.2 D、No.3 Deluxe的雪茄与有同样号码的管装,而没有“Deluxe”字样的雪茄混为一谈,因为后者属机器制雪茄,质量较次。Cazadores(长度6.375英寸,环径44),虽然属手工制造,但此系列价钱便宜,因为它采用未经挑选的烟叶制造,雪茄品质不稳定。多米尼加也生产Romeo y Julieta雪茄,其Vintage系列采用康涅狄格茄衣,Standard系列则采用颜色较深的喀麦隆茄衣,这两种系列品质均很好,制作精良,前者风味特别轻柔。
Romeo y Julieta在西班牙,法国,Benelux,瑞士,大不列颠,德国,意大利,俄国,安道尔,西欧,加拿大,古巴,拉美,非洲,中东,中国,和远东有经销。
The world famous cigar brand started in Cuba in 1875. It is a favorite brand of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Romeoy Julieta is a favorite brand of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill because of its excellent manufacture and strong flavor. It has a wide variety, more than 40 sizes, often packed in aluminum tubes, and many machine-made sizes. Although the quality of cigars is difficult to avoid a mixture of fish and Dragons due to their large size, some of the cigars under this brand are still of high quality, and many of them are top grade. The brand's early success is directly attributable to the tireless efforts of Rodr í Guez fern á ndez. When he was manager of the cabanas tobacco factory in Havana, he was known as "pep í n". He resigned in 1903 to start a new business because he was dissatisfied with the acceptance of the factory by the American tobacco company. Since 1875, the factory has been producing a brand of cigars called romeoyjulieta, which are mainly sold in Cuba's domestic market. But his ambition is more than that. In order to motivate his employees, he distributed 30% of the company's profits to the directors of all departments and traveled around the world to promote sales. Within two years, the number of employees increased to 1400, so he moved to a larger factory. In order to meet the needs of the monarch, governor and other dignitaries, he specially designed a personalized Cigar Label (there was a period when the tobacco factory produced 2000 different labels). He has always been involved in his tobacco business, almost obsessed with his brand. In addition to naming his horse as Juliet, he also tried to buy the Capulet theatre in Verona, Italy, where Shakespeare's plays were performed. By 1939, with his light, every audience here could enjoy a free cigar. He died in 1954. Romeoyjulieta's Churchills are made in tubes, which are well made and have excellent fragrance. However, tube cigars are sometimes fresher, resulting in less mature than box cigars. The Churchill size with a striking gold label (red label on all sizes except the CEDROS Collection) is a very classic cigar with a medium to full-bodied flavor. Corona size, dark brown jacket, excellent structure, but unstable flavor and quality. Cedrosdeluxe No.1 (Lonsdale size) has a darker color, a smooth surface and a medium intensity, but fewer people like it. EXHIBICI ó n No.4 (hermoso 4) is a kind of greasy jacket with strong flavor, which is suitable for eating after a big meal and is favored by many cigar experts. Cedrosdeluxe No.2 is a good size corona, which is very personalized. Petit Julietas is also a well-made cigar with strong flavor. Churchill doesn't vary much in size, but some people think Prince of Wales is gentler than its tube cigars. Do not confuse cigars marked as no.1deluxe, No.2D, no.3deluxe with pipe fittings of the same number without the word "Deluxe", because the latter belongs to machine-made cigars with inferior quality. Cazadores (6.375 inches in length and 44 in ring diameter) is handmade, but this series is cheap because it is made of unselected tobacco leaves and the quality of cigars is unstable. Dominica also produces romeoyjulieta cigars. Its vintage series uses Connecticut jacket, while the standard series uses Cameroon jacket with darker color. Both of these two series are of good quality and excellent production. The former has a very soft flavor. Romeoyjulieta has distribution in Spain, France, Benelux, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Russia, Andorra, Western Europe, Canada, Cuba, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, China, and the Far East.