成立于1998年的杭州中亚布艺有限公司,是一家专业生产装饰面料的制造商。公司现拥有上百台织机,其中40台是引进国外精良的SULZER 双门幅织机和STAUBLI电子龙头,现公司年产量已达800万米。公司在不断扩大生产力的同时,还非常注重提高产品的牢度、强度、阻燃等功能性,以满足不同市场客户的各种需求。ERP管理系统的植入,大大提高了企业工作效率和管理绩效,形成了较完善的现代化企业管理模式。到如今,中亚已经成长为杭州地区较大的提花装饰面料生产商之一。
在此同时,中亚在2005年建立了自己的成品缝制工厂。公司现有八十台进口缝纫机设备,主要产品有沙发套、床上用品、抱枕、窗帘等家纺产品。 2006年,为了满足国内外市场对品质的不同需求,公司还添置了功能更全的缝制设备,并且成立了独立的成品研发中心,不断的开发新颖独特的成品面料与款式。公司通过中亚这个平台,与国外的家具制造商沟通,并了解家具行业流行的款式和颜色,从而更好的设计出符合国际流行趋势的家纺用品。
Founded in 1998, Hangzhou Zhongya Fabric Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of decorative fabrics. The company now has hundreds of looms, 40 of which are excellent Sulzer double door loom and Staubli electronic faucet imported from abroad. The annual output of the company has reached 8 million meters. At the same time of expanding productivity, the company also attaches great importance to improving the product's fastness, strength, flame retardancy and other functions to meet the needs of customers in different markets. The implantation of ERP management system has greatly improved the efficiency and management performance of the enterprise, and formed a relatively perfect modern enterprise management mode. Up to now, Central Asia has grown into one of the largest manufacturers of jacquard decorative fabrics in Hangzhou. At the same time, Central Asia established its own sewing factory in 2005. The company has 80 sets of imported sewing machine equipment, the main products are sofa cover, bedding, pillow, curtain and other home textile products. In 2006, in order to meet the different requirements of the domestic and foreign markets for quality, the company also added more functional sewing equipment, and established an independent research and Development Center for finished products, constantly developing novel and unique finished fabrics and styles. Through the platform of Central Asia, the company communicates with foreign furniture manufacturers and understands the popular styles and colors of the furniture industry, so as to better design the home textile products in line with international popular trends.
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