日本 KYB 公司有效的利用油压技术生产销售用于汽车、摩托车、卡车、巴士、飞机、铁路车辆的减震器,用于建设及产业机械、农耕机械的油压设备,用于船舶、剧场舞台装置的系统设备。日本 KYB 株式会社是世界上较大的液压设备制造商之一。KYB 集团在全球21个国家有32家分公司,其中在亚洲、欧洲、美国等国家和地区拥有15个生产基地。
Kaiwanbi Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was founded in November 2004, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KYB pillar Association of Japan. Main business: domestic sales of automotive shock absorbers. KYB company of Japan effectively uses oil pressure technology to produce and sell shock absorbers for automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, buses, airplanes and railway vehicles, oil pressure equipment for construction and industrial machinery, agricultural machinery, and system equipment for ship and theater stage devices. KYB Co., Ltd. is one of the largest hydraulic equipment manufacturers in the world. KYB group has 32 branches in 21 countries, including 15 production bases in Asia, Europe, the United States and other countries and regions.