Bailai brand: "Baxi" ice cream formula originated from San Francisco in 1932, and entered China in 1990. It became the first brand specializing in the production of fresh dairy products in China. It manages the authentic American ice cream culture and brings a new concept of all cream ice cream to Chinese consumers. Pureness: Beijing alaixi Food Co., Ltd. has been committed to the production of fresh cream ice cream for more than ten years, fully maintaining the pure taste and high quality of the products. It is the first ice cream in China to win the "green food" mark because of its delicate taste, pure taste, various varieties and rich in various healthy nutrients. Specialty: in 1994, we introduced the complete set of production equipment of "hayer" in Denmark, built the first specialized ice cream production line in China, and became the representative of the most advanced production technology in the ice cream industry. Safety food: according to the requirements of ISO9001:2000 quality management system requirements, ISO14001:2004 environmental management system requirements and guidelines for use, haccpec-01, the company strictly controls all links from the source of raw and auxiliary materials to consumers to improve customer satisfaction, protect the environment and maintain employee safety and health.