温州星贝海藻食品有限公司位于“百岛之县”-温州洞头,拥有多条日本、韩国、台湾进口的全自动生产流水线,专业、专研各种海洋藻类食品的加工、生产,成功开发出了“星贝”原味、烤味、辣味、香酥味、岩烧味、烤紫菜等即食海苔,即食昆布(海带)等休闲类系列零食产品;“星贝”羊栖菜、海带、紫菜、海藻丸子等系列方便即食类餐桌产品;“星贝”鲜制羊栖菜、海带、紫菜等系列厨房类方便调理海藻产品;“星贝”风味即冲即食类紫菜汤系列产品,“海上蔬菜园”系列海藻专营食品, 5大类100多个品种产品,产品行销浙江、上海、福建、新疆、北京、香港、澳门、意大利、荷兰、西班牙等地。
公司倡导:“食品 人品 大家品 品质 品牌 品发展”的经营理念,秉承:“实在作人,诚信做事”的中华传统美德,坚持以制度抓质量,走养殖产品品牌质量化的路子,2006年通过了ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,2007年通过了QS食品生产许可认证。
Wenzhou Xingbei seaweed food Co., Ltd. is located in Dongtou, Wenzhou, the "hundred island county". It has a number of automatic production lines imported from Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It specializes in the processing and production of various marine algae food. It has successfully developed the ready to eat seaweed such as "Xingbei" original taste, roasted taste, spicy taste, crispy taste, rock roasted taste, roasted laver, ready to eat kunbu (kelp), etc A series of snack products; a series of instant table products such as Sargassum fusiforme, kelp, Porphyra, seaweed balls, etc.; a series of kitchen products such as Sargassum fusiforme, kelp, seaweed, etc.; a series of instant Porphyra soup products with "star shell" flavor, "marine vegetable garden" series seaweed specialty food, more than 100 varieties of products in 5 categories, products Marketing in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Fujian, Xinjiang, Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and other places. The company advocates the management concept of "food quality and brand development", adheres to the traditional Chinese virtue of "being honest and trustworthy", adheres to the quality control system, and takes the way of brand quality of breeding products. In 2006, it passed the ISO9001 international quality management system certification, and in 2007, it passed the QS food production license certification. Scientific and technological innovation has achieved the healthy development of "starfish", and will lead "starfish" to further create the future of marine algae food.
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/736a5487b.html