Wang Zhongquan joined in with Hu spicy soup. Mr. Wang Zhongquan was influenced by the food culture of hu la Tang when he was young. He grew up drinking hu la Tang and had deep feelings for hu la Tang. In 1994, he began to cook soup, inspected and tasted the famous spicy soup in Henan Province. Taking the advantages of hundreds of families, self-restraint and devoting to research, we have developed today's unique and beautiful wangzhongquan spicy soup, which was awarded the first prize in the second Xiaoyao spicy soup competition and the Central Plains famous food by Henan Catering Association, and loved by the majority of consumers. We sincerely invite agents from all over the country to join us and train hu la Tang technology.
本文链接: https://brand.waitui.com/m/7855bd26f.html